Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave

Christmas presents under the tree (11483648553)

Or late Hanukkah presents. Or early Kwanzaa presents. Or timely Festivus presents. Or, you get the idea.

My first present is a re-gift. Over at Win-WinHR, Lorene F. Schaefer, Esq. hosts this month’s edition of the Employment Law Blog Carnival: A Festival of Lessons Edition. If you need to get caught up on all the latest HR-compliance news and view from top bloggers across the country, then, go no further.

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I train a heckuva lot of managers and HR professionals on leave issues relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. (Yes, you can have a copy of my presentation, just email me).

One issue that often crops up in discussing the intersection of the two laws is whether job-related stress or anxiety is covered under the ADA, FMLA, or both.

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I’m feeling generous today. And that’s strange because usually I spend my Fridays dangling hundred dollar bills down to the street from a fishing pole in my office, trying to avoid the catch. But, the past few days changed my mindset.

You see, earlier in the week I was introduced to an in-house lawyer who was seeking information on the Family and Medical Leave Act. And, as it so happens, yesterday I received an email from a reader of the blog. Well, not just any reader. This email was from one of my best readers. And she just started a new FMLA blog called Matrix Radar: Adventures in Absence Management and Accommodation. The name alone sounds like something that would not only satisfy the needs of the biggest FMLA dork, but also supply me with the Director’s Cut of Neo and Trinity rescuing Morpheus.

Well, 50% ain’t bad. And I recommend that y’all check out Matrix Radar.



One word: Outsource.

See you tomorrow.

Oh, you mean some of you actually do this yourselves?!? Ok. As you should know, in certain circumstances eligible employees may take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule. Intermittent leave is FMLA leave taken in separate blocks of time due to a single qualifying reason.

Here’s how to account for intermittent FMLA leave. Continue reading

Ferris wheel at Eagle Pass carnival IMG 2086
Yesterday, I asked you — and when I say you, I’m referring to the best change-agents in the entire universe — whether you were cool with the government requiring your businesses to provide a modest amount of paid family and medical leave to employees.

Of those who responded to the poll — I’m talking the thought-leaders here who clearly deserve a place at the table — 53% said yes; 41% said no.

The rest of you said “baba booey.”


Last week, President Obama signed an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to provide paid sick leave. More on that here. The Department of Labor has a roadshow and social media campaign, through which it is touting the benefits of paid family and medical leave. And the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act is currently pending in Congress. This bill would provide create a family and medical leave insurance program.

As the debate over government-mandated paid sick leave continues, Patrick Kulp at Mashable reports here that over 200 faculty members from 88 institutions across the country, including MBA programs at NYU, Harvard and Wharton, have signed this open letter calling upon Congress to adopt a national paid family and medical leave policy.

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The Family and Medical Leave Act allows eligible employees to take up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period for a variety of reasons, including for one’s own serious health condition. An employee with a serious health condition can take FMLA leave if the employee satisfies three additional requirements:

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