Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave

Social security card john q public

By Social Security Administration (Social Security Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Last week, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced another federal paid leave proposal into the swelling options currently being considered in Congress. Continue reading

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On the same day that Starbucks closed more than 8,000 stores to train its employees on implicit bias (full curriculum here), an outspoken Hollywood celebrity stole the headlines with an explicitly-racist tweet. Continue reading

Sand bunker golf

Santeri Viinamäki [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons

Although, the Facebook photo of the plaintiff captioned “Tubing the Rifle River” didn’t help his chances either.

Neither did lying about sleeping at work despite photographic evidence to the contrary.

Filed under: “WTH Dude!”

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We’re gonna try a new feature here at The Employer Handbook.

It’s where I take a new U.S. Department of Labor Opinion Letter and tweak it as if someone is asking me for my opinion on the precise legal issue on which the DOL is being asked to opine, but with slightly different facts.

It can’t miss. Continue reading


I took this picture. Not bad, eh?

Filed under: “Didn’t think I’d be saying that in 2018.”

But, it’s all good.

I am grateful to Ben Eubanks and the Northern Alabama Chapter of Society for Human Resource Management for this opportunity to debut my new and improved “My Employees Can Miss How Much Work?!? Managing the Challenges of Leave Under the FMLA and ADA?” to a fantastic audience of HR professionals in Huntsville, AL today.

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Yes, those are two of my children. (Not pictured: “Dad of the Year” Trophy)

A little over two years ago, I blogged here about how the Fair Labor Standards Act and Family and Medical Leave Act may impact your business if it closes for a day due to inclement weather. Now that I work “in the cloud,” this doesn’t impact me. Heck, I’m probably three Starbucks Flat Whites in by the time you’re reading this.

And thank god for the blazing-fast wi-fi here. I can’t get over the clarity on the live feed of my kids shoveling the driveway. With the extra muscles and endurance they’ve added in the past few years, if I don’t see pavement by the time I get home…

Anyway, here’s the blog post. Continue reading


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Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an eligible employee is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave in a 12-month period.

So, what happens if an employee exhausts 12 weeks of leave and doesn’t return to work on the next working day? Firing that employee wouldn’t violate the FMLA would it?

Or, could it? Continue reading

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