Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment

Washington Dulles International Airport at Dusk.jpg

By Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Surely, you remember the days (weeks) of horrible headlines that dogged United Airlines after the incident in which passengers filmed security dragging down the aisle a bloodied passenger who refused to give up his seat to an airline employee.

Well, United may soon be back above the fold again. And it’s for all the wrong reasons. Continue reading

3D Judges Gavel

By Chris Potter (Flickr: 3D Judges Gavel) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

Yesterday, I blogged here about the most important employment law decision of 2018. It’s a case called Minarsky v. Susquehanna County (opinion here).

If you missed my post, well, it was long. 1,888 words long. So, here’s the super-condensed version: The Third Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that a plaintiff might not complain about sexual harassment at work for several years but still have a viable hostile work environment claim if she genuinely believed — and the record supported — that it would be pointless to do so. Continue reading

Minarsky v. Susquehanna County (opinion here) is a sexual harassment case. And there’s a lot to discuss. But the biggest takeaway is that any subsequent employer-defendant asserting a Faragher/Ellerth defense in the Third Circuit will find it very difficult to obtain summary judgment on any hostile work environment claim. Continue reading

Handcuffs01 2003-06-02

By No machine-readable author provided. Klaus with K assumed (based on copyright claims). [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

Is that really a thing? A citizen’s arrest?

Tell ’em Big Bird. (I think that’s from the same episode where Elmo tried to effect a citizen’s arrest on Oscar The Grouch by sitting on top of his trash can until the Sesame Street PD arrived. But, I may be mistaken.) Continue reading


Image Credit: (

After a two year hiatus, the EEOC reconvened its Select Task Force on Harassment yesterday to hear from an array of scholars, attorneys, other stakeholders about ways to promote a harassment-free workplace. Continue reading


Now, it’s up to the voters.

Yesterday, on International Women’s Day, Philadelphia City Council passed a bill that will require the City to provide sexual-harassment training to all of its employees and officers.

In May, when City residents go to the polls, they will decide whether to amend the Home Rule Charter to require this annual training. Continue reading

Mark Cuban

Image Credit: By Keith Allison from Baltimore, USA (00033816) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Over the weekend, I read Jon Wertheim and Jessica Luther’s article at (NSFW – language), which describes a workplace that for many women was flat out scary AF. Continue reading


When this happened, you knew that I had to do some celebrating. Twice.

So, the fam and braved the long lines (during which my young children got quite a vocabulary lesson) and headed into Philadelphia on Thursday for the Philadelphia Eagles parade. Just us and a few million strangers.

But, football season is over. I’ve caught my breath. I’m back in employment lawyer blogger mode with a 3-in-1 post today. Continue reading

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