Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


Our first full day of London sightseeing is in the books. Not only did I leave and return home to our VRBO with four children — #DadOfTheYear — but I also found a suitable protector for the many barrels of local whiskey that I’m gate-checking at Heathrow when I return home.

It was a good day. Continue reading

Over the weekend, I read about a case where a federal jury concluded that a female plaintiff’s former employer subjected her to a hostile work environment.

The jury awarded her zero point zero dollars, and a federal appellate court concluded that the company should not be required to conduct anti-harassment training.

WTH?!? Continue reading


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

More than ever, American workplaces are emphasizing diversity by targeting hires of different races, religions, ethnicities, genders, cultural and educational backgrounds, work experience, etc. This variety promotes different viewpoints, better problem-solving, a just a more dynamic workplace.  Generally, this results in businesses attracting better talent, reducing turnover, and improving the brand and reputation.

But, with different backgrounds may come a different appreciation of social norms.

I have an example for you.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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