Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment

Over the weekend, I was reading this recent opinion from a federal judge in Maryland and, with a big smile on my face, I started polishing up my blogging crown and scepter.

Allen v. TV One, LLC is a case about a woman who alleges that she was constantly pestered by the Board Chair to marry the company CEO, the Board Chair’s son. For example, the Board Chair supposedly told the plaintiff,  “I’m going to be your mother one way or another. Either you will marry [my son] or I will marry your father and be your stepmother.”

And, I’m like…this opinion has The Employer Handbook written all over it!

Except, then I remembered. I already did blog about it. Continue reading

I’m not sure what kind of evidence a federal jury was expecting when it concluded that two plaintiff-intervenors (i.e., the alleged victims of sexual harassment on whose behalf the EEOC pursued claims) did not do enough to notify the employer-defendant about possible harassment in the workplace.

And neither did a federal judge when he concluded that a federal jury plainly overlooked evidence that the employer-defendant should have known about possible sexual harassment.

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In February, a female Uber employee blogging under the pseudonym Amy Vertino blew the lid off of what she alleged to be a corporate culture of misogyny and other rampant discrimination. Recently, there have been several additional high-profile stories of alleged sex discrimination and harassment at the very top of the ladder. Here’s a recent example reported on Monday.

But, allegations of sexism in the C-Suite have been around long before Uber, Fox News, and Mad Men.

So why is it now that the chickens are coming home to roost? And what can your business do to try to avoid these issues? Continue reading

Sean Combs.jpgWhen others go high, I go low.

Wait a minute! I got that backwards didn’t I?  Dammit! That explains why I didn’t come up with “In Firing Employees, A Bit of Humanity Still Helps.” It’s a pragmatic post inspired by recent events from employment lawyer and blogger, Daniel Schwartz.

Instead, I get my HR-compliance news from a TMZ story entitled, “I HAD TO SERVE HIS POST-SEX MEALS… He Served Up His Junk.” Welp, there’s only one thing left to do, I guess.

Yes, I’d better double down. Continue reading

Starting tomorrow.

Today, let’s talk about the employee who claimed sexual harassment because her male co-worker constantly stared at her with an erection — which she subsequently photographed and showed to other co-workers, and all of that morphed into a retaliation claim.

So, basically, this post will be like a sophisticated bar exam question.

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Sex On The Beach

Actually, I’m not talking about the drink.

No, the case I’m addressing today has actual sex on the beach. And allegations of sexual harassment and disparate treatment.

It involves an outside sales representative — let’s call her “Plaintiff” — and the son of the company President, during a boat trip in Mallorca, Spain.

Hey, if you ever want to hear some good stories at a lawyer cocktail party, seek out the employment folks. Just sayin’.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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