Articles Posted in Sex

Honestly, I generally try not to resort to clickbait ledes or trending terms like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Solar Eclipse, Game of Thrones finale spoilers, and leaked Apple iPhone 8 images, to increase web traffic. That’s beneath a professional ***fart*** blogger like me.

But, since you’re here, please form a single-file line. My servers can only handle so many of you at a time.

Thank you. Continue reading

On the same day that President Donald Trump tweeted that the military should ban transgender people from serving, the U.S. Department of Justice doubled down. That is, in a pleading filed yesterday in a federal appellate court, the United States of America revealed its position that our federal laws that protect against discrimination at work do not apply to gay employees.

Suffice it to say, yesterday was not a good day for the LGBT community. Continue reading

Google Maps - Street ViewProving that it’s not just women who are victims of sex discrimination, I’ve got news of a new EEOC lawsuit alleging that a company refused to hire a male applicant because of his sex.

Unlike yesterday’s post, this has nothing to do with Silicon Valley. Silicone, however? Maybe.

You see, that “bar” the guy walked into was a gentlemen’s club. Continue reading

In February, a female Uber employee blogging under the pseudonym Amy Vertino blew the lid off of what she alleged to be a corporate culture of misogyny and other rampant discrimination. Recently, there have been several additional high-profile stories of alleged sex discrimination and harassment at the very top of the ladder. Here’s a recent example reported on Monday.

But, allegations of sexism in the C-Suite have been around long before Uber, Fox News, and Mad Men.

So why is it now that the chickens are coming home to roost? And what can your business do to try to avoid these issues? Continue reading

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