Articles Posted in Sex


By U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission –, Public Domain, Link

Yesterday’s blog post highlighted the blistering dissent of Eleventh Circuit judge Hon. Robin S. Rosenbaum, as she criticized her colleagues for passing on the opportunity to reconsider whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protected employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation. In Judge Rosenbaum’s opinion, Title VII does afford those protections based on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. In that case, the Court concluded that sex stereotyping violates Title VII.  (It follows that Title VII precludes discrimination based on sexual orientation because of the failure to conform to the gender-based stereotype of loving someone of the opposite sex. Continue reading


By Eoghanacht [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Here’s a little taste of Hon. Robin S. Rosenbaum giving her colleagues from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals a piece of her mind:

The issue this case raises—whether Title VII protects gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination because their sexual preferences do not conform to their employers’ views of whom individuals of their respective genders should love—is indisputably en-banc-worthy…. I cannot explain why a majority of our Court is content to rely on the precedential equivalent of an Edsel with a missing engine, when it comes to an issue that affects so many people.

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After a two year hiatus, the EEOC reconvened its Select Task Force on Harassment yesterday to hear from an array of scholars, attorneys, other stakeholders about ways to promote a harassment-free workplace. Continue reading

In late March, I blogged here about how it was only a matter of time before the State of New Jersey would require local employers to provide men and women the same pay and benefits for performing substantially similar work.

Well, mark your calendars for July 1, 2018.

That’s when the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act will take effect, after Governor Phil Murphy signed it into law on April 24. Continue reading


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It’s one thing to terminate an employee for complaining that she is being sexually harassed at work. But, when you (allegedly) fire her son and fiancé too without justification, that’s stone cold!

Not that Stone Cold.

But, according to the EEOC, it’s pretty darn bad. Bah Gawd! Continue reading


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I’ll be honest. Not only am I late by a day in recognizing Equal Pay Day, but I don’t know the etiquette.

Is it “happy”?

I can’t imagine why anyone would be happy about it. Heck, I just Googled and was immediately shown “11 Gender Wage Gap Statistics That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You.Continue reading


Now, it’s up to the voters.

Yesterday, on International Women’s Day, Philadelphia City Council passed a bill that will require the City to provide sexual-harassment training to all of its employees and officers.

In May, when City residents go to the polls, they will decide whether to amend the Home Rule Charter to require this annual training. Continue reading

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