Articles Posted in Sex


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On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano urged socal media user to share their stories of sexual harassment using the hashtag #MeToo.

Maybe you’ve heard of it.

Of course, you have. As have the millions of others who have used the hashtag since.

This post goes inside numbers to detail the proliferation of the #MeToo movement social media.
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In most federal courts in this country, a plaintiff arguing a Title VII violation because he or she was discriminated against based on his/her LGBT status will lose.

That’s a fact.

That’s because Title VII prohibits discrimination based on one’s “sex.” And, most courts don’t construe “sex” to include “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” But that’s not to say that LGBT discrimination cases generally lack merit. Continue reading

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Dutch rating 16

By Nederlands Instituut voor de Classificatie voor Audiovisueel Materiaal (NICAM) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By the time you read this, I should be blissfully cruising in the Atlantic outside the range of any cell towers. However, between now (Saturday afternoon) and Monday, I am feverishly punching out 5 blog posts to hold you over until after Labor Day.

Will I sacrifice quality for quantity? Since you’re not paying me anything to blog, you bet I will. Hopefully, you won’t see it that way. But, if feel otherwise, go jump in a lake I’m sorry. Continue reading


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It’s right there in the statute.

Under New Jersey and Delaware state law, you can’t discriminate against an employee based on his or her sexual orientation or gender identity.

Now, you won’t find the words “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” anywhere in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. But, starting this month, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is treating both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes.

“Speak, English, Eric!”

LGBT discrimination is against the law in all three states in the tri-state area — at least according to the state agencies that administer each law. Continue reading

Over the weekend, there were several reports (including this one from Kim Severson at the New York Times) that Asia Argento paid out a large settlement to a man who accused Ms. Argento of sexually assaulting him in a hotel room when he was 17 years old.

Asia Argento is one of the women who had accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She is also a leading advocate for the #MeToo movement. Continue reading

Washington Dulles International Airport at Dusk.jpg

By Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Surely, you remember the days (weeks) of horrible headlines that dogged United Airlines after the incident in which passengers filmed security dragging down the aisle a bloodied passenger who refused to give up his seat to an airline employee.

Well, United may soon be back above the fold again. And it’s for all the wrong reasons. Continue reading


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Usually, after my kids go to bed is when I write my blog posts for the following day. Last night that didn’t happen. Instead, while putting my two boys to bed, I fell asleep on the spare bed in their room. #Parenting

So, I apologize for the tardy post today. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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