Three HR lessons from a supervisor’s alleged knuckle-dragging savagery.

Evieliam [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Evieliam [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Par Idibri — Flickr –, CC BY 2.0, Lien
Today, I’m going to tell you the story of a man that has now sued the same employer four times.
It’s a bit like the Buffalo Bills of employment litigation, except the plaintiff here hasn’t suffered a fourth defeat…yet.
By dconvertini (Nashville, Tennessee, USA) [CC BY-SA 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons
By Timidonfire [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons
Controversy. Continue reading
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In terms of workplace issues, #MeToo and sexual harassment have dominated the headlines in 2018. Most recently, John Oliver covered these subjects on his show and Jon Hyman has a robust discussion going on right now on LinkedIn in which I encourage you to weigh in.
Perhaps aspirationally, Jon wonders whether the collective spotlight on #MeToo will help end the problem.
Meanwhile, in the shadows lurk some pretty sickening instances and allegations of other forms of god-awful, in-your-face, no-doubt-about-it discrimination. Continue reading
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The answer may shock you!
(But, it probably won’t.)
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A probation officer in Chicago sued her employer for discrimination and retaliation. At trial, she won her retaliation claim.
While the case was on appeal, the plaintiff claimed that her boss threatened to hit her in the parking lot and, in a separate incident, coordinated with another co-worker threatened to get the plaintiff alone to cause her bodily harm.
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It’s one thing to terminate an employee for complaining that she is being sexually harassed at work. But, when you (allegedly) fire her son and fiancé too without justification, that’s stone cold!
Not that Stone Cold.
But, according to the EEOC, it’s pretty darn bad. Bah Gawd! Continue reading
Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels
Hold up a sec. I’m dizzy. Continue reading