Articles Posted in Race


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Every so often — not, “if I had a nickel” often, but every once in a while — someone hits me up for my two cents on firing an employee who is on FMLA or some other form of protected leave for [fill in the reason]. Continue reading


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Remember yesterday’s post?

If not, then out of concern for you, I suggest that you see a doctor. Because after all, we’re talking about a post from just one day ago.

Either way, to get you back up to speed, yesterday I blogged about an employer that was required to pay $100K to a worker it fired for making racist Facebook posts. That was because an arbitrator concluded that the employer knew about the employee’s racist behavior online but did nothing about it for several months until the media reported it.

Today’s situation — a different situation — is different. Like totally different. Continue reading

Code 3 combination LED ^ rotating beacons - Flickr - Highway Patrol Images

By Highway Patrol Images (Code 3 combination LED & rotating beacons) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

Hold on, let me proofread that.

Employee makes racist Facebook posts, and company must pay him $100,000. Yep, that’s it. Continue reading

Logo nike principal

By Timidonfire [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Recently, Nike unveiled a new ‘Just Do It’ advertising campaign centered around former National Football Leauge quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Here is the first commercial that aired.

Controversy. Continue reading


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We’ve all been there.

You’re driving, someone cuts you off, and you give ’em a piece of your mind. Maybe even a four-letter word.

But, that’s where your bout of road rage ends.

Except, that’s not where it ended for a driver in Ohio. And he’s really regretting it. Maybe, because it cost him his business.

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In terms of workplace issues, #MeToo and sexual harassment have dominated the headlines in 2018. Most recently, John Oliver covered these subjects on his show and Jon Hyman has a robust discussion going on right now on LinkedIn in which I encourage you to weigh in.

Perhaps aspirationally, Jon wonders whether the collective spotlight on #MeToo will help end the problem.

Meanwhile, in the shadows lurk some pretty sickening instances and allegations of other forms of god-awful, in-your-face, no-doubt-about-it discrimination. Continue reading

The Washington Redskins are a bad National Football League franchise.

I’m not talking about the name of the team yet. We’ll get to that.

I’m mean last year’s 7-9 Washington Redskins. Like fans of the Dallas Cowboys, the tell-tale sign of Redskins fans is their depressing nostalgia for when the team was competitive and won a few Super Bowl rings a hecka-long time ago. Let’s face it. It’s been a dismal few decades for this poor excuse for a football team since Daniel Snyder purchased the franchise in 1999. They have just six winning seasons since then.

Another way to spot a shameless Washington Redskins fan in public is in team merch with the polarizing name and mascot. For many years, there has been controversy over the Washington Redskins name and logo. To many football fans, “Washington Redskins” just rolls off the shoulders. To others — especially Native Americans — “Washington Redskins” is considered derogatory and racist.

What happens when a Native American employee in Washington, DC is surrounded by Washington Redskins paraphernalia in the office and co-workers discussing the team at work?

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For the last year and change, Jon Hyman, who blogs at the excellent Ohio Employer Law Blog, has run a series of posts identifying employers accused of egregious workplace violations.

Stuff so bad that it would have your employment practices liability insurance carrier hyperventilating into a 50-gallon trash bag. Continue reading


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Yesterday morning, I read my friend Jon Hyman’s post on LinkedIn about a lawsuit in which a person of color alleged that various supervisors and managers:

  • Frequently called him the “n-word”;
  • Told him to “reach his black hands out” while handing him a box; and
  • Offered him a banana while saying, “Monkeys like bananas.”

Allegedly, a group of white employees also hung a sign in the workplace that said, “WHITE ONLY.” Continue reading

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