Articles Posted in Race

Execution Sling Hanging Hangman Knot Penalty Rope

Many years ago, a man called me asking if I would represent him in a discrimination action against a company.

Now, you know me. I’m a management-side lawyer. I write a blog called The Employer Handbook. But, then he mentioned that someone had hung a hangman’s noose at his job site. He had pictures.

And he had my full attention. Continue reading

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Won’t you help little Ivy Meyer achieve her Girl Scout Cookies sales goal?

It’s that time of year again.

Coworkers have begun bombarding you with requests to purchase Girl Scout Cookies. So, in that spirit, let’s tackle:

  • Whether unions will start organizing your workplace if you relax your no-solicitation policy to allow employees to sell Girl Scout Cookies;
  • Can employees use your email system to proselytize if co-workers use it to sell Girl Scout Cookies; and
  • A bonus discrimination case involving the sale of Girl Scout Cookies gone terribly wrong.

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NASA logo.svg

By National Aeronautics and Space Administration –, used on Former: Converted from Encapsulated PostScript at, Public Domain, Link

Yes, even NASA gets sued for discrimination from time to time. Continue reading

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Customer service photo

UnknownUnknown author [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

If you know that one of your customers is getting all racist and handsy with employees, you have to do something about that. You know that, right?

It would appear that one California employer didn’t get the memo. Continue reading


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I know that wearing blackface on Halloween is a bad idea. You know it too. And, now, so does Megyn Kelly.

But not everyone got the memo. Continue reading

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