Articles Posted in Pregnancy


Image Credit: Tommy Boy (screenshot from

Last week, I wavered about whether to include a line from Tommy Boy in a brief that I was drafting:

“I tell ya what. If you don’t know how to fasten your seatbelt, just raise your hand and I’ll have Tommy Boy here come back there and hit you in the head with a tack hammer.”

Ultimately, I decided that it was bad form. One could reasonably construe my use of that quote as antagonizing and bit snarky. Moi?!?

So, I’m using it for this blog post instead. Continue reading

Manolo Blahnik on Whitney Port Shankbone 2009 Tribeca.jpg

By David ShankboneOwn work, CC BY 3.0, Link

Yesterday’s post was all about the breadth of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). We addressed a situation in which a plaintiff alleged that her employer fired her for seeking an abortion. The court concluded that, if true, the employer’s actions would have violated the PDA.

(The employer ultimately prevailed on the PDA claim because it had a non-discriminatory reason for firing the plaintiff.)

Today, let’s shift focus to accommodations under the PDA. Continue reading

A Louisiana woman claimed that, back in September 2017, she told her employer that she had become pregnant and that she was planning on having an abortion. The woman then alleged that, during her time off from work, the company violated the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) by firing her.

Let’s assume that the company did fire her for getting an abortion. Does that violate the PDA? Continue reading


Image Credit:

Every so often — not, “if I had a nickel” often, but every once in a while — someone hits me up for my two cents on firing an employee who is on FMLA or some other form of protected leave for [fill in the reason]. Continue reading


Image Credit: (

I don’t know how else to describe it.

So, I’m going to quote from the EEOC’s press release, but I’ll conceal the name of the law firm. The law firm that paid $30,000 to settle with the EEOC:

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