Articles Posted in Disability


If you’re an employment law nerd like me, in addition to being the envy of your neighborhood, you also know that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission does not shy away from bringing failure-to-accommodate claims on behalf of deaf individuals. Look at all of them! Continue reading


The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits employers from discriminating against qualified individuals because of a disability. A qualified individual can perform the job’s essential functions with or without a reasonable accommodation. Often, an individual with a disability will approach a supervisor or HR, identify their limitations, and ask for help. It’s a modest burden.

Then, it’s the employer’s job to continue a good faith, interactive process to determine whether a reasonable accommodation exists to help the employee without creating undue hardship on the business. When done right, it’s a win-win. But, when the employer impedes the process, it often results in a lawsuit. Continue reading


Well, if you count The Employer Handbook itself, which email gods magically deliver to blog subscriber email inboxes every weekday following weeknights where I haven’t had too many blog-inhibiting adult beverages, I’ve got three freebies today. Continue reading


This situation comes up fairly often. An employee with a disability can’t perform their job, and needs leave to recover and return to work.

We know that indefinite leave is not a reasonable accommodation. But what about taking leave with only an “expected” return to work date? Is that too indefinite to be unreasonable? Continue reading


If you’ve procrastinated all week, you still have a few hours to register for this week’s edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Happy Hour, which returns today, October 28, 2022. We’re discussing leave rights and accommodations in hybrid and fully-remote workplaces.

Click here ( to register. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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