Articles Posted in Disability

Perhentian islands/ Deserted Island/ Paradise
Folks, if I were on a deserted island with no wi-fi, but just enough battery power and 4G LTE signal to stream one compliance webinar — welcome to deserted dork island — I’m tuning in to EEOC’s New Resource on Leave as an ADA Reasonable Accommodation: A Closer Look with EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum.

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Gym wiki

Yesterday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced here that it had issued issued final rules on how the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act apply to employer-sponsored wellness programs.

So, what do y’all need to know about the EEOC’s new rules on employer wellness programs?

(No one ever accused me of burying the lede)

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Photo Apr 30, 10 57 11 AM

My other car is a minivan

Last Summer, I blogged here about how requiring an employee with a disability to stay out of work until 100% cured (i.e., a no-restrictions policy) automatically violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. As courts have described it, the policy does not allow a case-by-case assessment of an individual’s ability to perform essential functions of the individual’s job, with or without accommodation.

ADA violation…check!

But, what about having a 100%-cured policy for an employee taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act?

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Pennsylvania is about to become the second Commonwealth in the United States to legalize medical marijuana. (23 states — la di da, states — plus DC currently allow it)

Does this mean that employees with migraines can puff vape pens and eat Cheetos in your break rooms at work? Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.

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“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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