Articles Posted in Disability

I know y’all are waiting with baited breath — wait, hold do you bait breath? Like a putting a worm on a fishing line or something?


Right, as I was saying, I know y’all are waiting with bated breath for me to publish all of those reader-submitted holiday-party “yowzas” I asked you to email me yesterday. But, let’s give that one more day to marinate — build the suspense.

(You can still get in the on the party. Just read yesterday’s post and holler at your boy).

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If your Saturday night consists of nerding up on HR compliance with both the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, why fight it? We’re kindred spirits. So, take my hand…

Or, maybe just email me — yes, email is better — for the scintillating PowerPoint debuting today at the 2016 PA SHRM State Conference.

And prepare for a magical 9/24.

A tight squeeze Project 365(2) Day 357

Earlier in the Summer, I blogged here about this federal court opinion, recognizing that a convenience store may have violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by firing a diabetic cashier.

The facts showed that the diabetic cashier twice violated the store’s grazing policy by removing bottles of orange juice from the store cooler without immediately paying for them. Except, she may have taken the OJ, because the store otherwise refused to accommodate her disability. Continue reading

“Doing What’s Right – Not Just What’s Legal”
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