Articles Posted in Disability


E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!! (And how ’bout ‘dem Cowboys!)

The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has said that when an employer permits employees to telework to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19, the employer has not committed itself to automatically granting telework as a reasonable accommodation to every employee with a disability who requests to continue this arrangement as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

But, here’s the thing. Continue reading


Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay

Several news outlets reported yesterday that a major airline that has already mandated employee vaccinations will begin placing employees on temporary unpaid leave if approved for a religious vaccine exemption. Continue reading

Like many of you, news of the untimely death of Michael K. Williams shook me. RIP.

I thought more about Mr. Williams yesterday as I read two reports and recommendations from a Discovery Special Master assigned to a COVID-19 face mask case. Specifically, I remembered his infamous line as Omar Little from The Wire:

You come at the king; you best not miss.Continue reading


Image by chenspec from Pixabay

Last week, this Vyopta / Wakefield Survey about employee use of remote technology began making the rounds. The press release highlights “Online Accountability,” noting that nearly a quarter of those surveyed reported they have seen an employee fired because of video or audio conference mistakes. It seems that business leaders expect employees to figure it out — or pay the price.” Continue reading


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

It’s tough enough dealing with employees who submit shady doctor notes to avoid masks or getting a COVID-19 vaccination. (I find that letterhead printed on a Saltine is a dead-bang giveaway.) But, what happens to the doctors that write these opt-out letters?
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Hey, they can’t all be hip hop HR posts. But, you’ll be thanking me for helping to sleuth out what appears to be a big medical and religious  COVID-19 vaccination accommodation scam now percolating on the West Coast and coming soon to a city near you. Continue reading

According to Bloomberg Law, “broad liability protections that shield most or all businesses [from COVID-19 liability are in] roughly half of all states now.”

So let’s say that one of your employees is immunocompromised with an underlying disability, and she seeks an accommodation to mitigate the risk of her increased vulnerability to COVID-19. If the employers fail to accommodate, do “broad liability protections” under state law also foreclose COVID-19-related claims arising under the Americans with Disabilities or equivalent state disability-discrimination law?

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