Articles Posted in Age

It was right at the moment that I thought that I’d recovered from Saturday night’s disco inferno and baseball extravaganza, when I realized, yesterday, that I’d paired DC Comics with Marvel by coming to work in Batman socks and Guardians of the Galaxy II boxer shorts.

Hopefully, my reader won’t think any less of me.

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You’ll have to pardon the headline.

I’m not nearly as articulate as the Third Circuit was in yesterday’s opinion in Karlo v. Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, using words like “cognizable” and “disproportionate adverse impact.” And, even though the Third Circuit sits in Philadelphia, you won’t find local lingo like “old head” or “jawn” anywhere in the opinion.

Although, I’m pretty sure page 6 has a cheez whiz stain on it.

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Young Professionals NeededFrom a reader who wishes to be identified as “ever faithful blog lover”:

A while ago you mentioned ads with “digital native” as being a cover for trying to recruit “young” folks and being an ADEA violation… so what do you think of an ad that says (twice) “Young professionals” wanted? LOL That’s not even a cover! See attached…

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Hi there.

Did you have a nice weekend? Overall, I did too. However, Saturday was rough. How rough? On a scale of 1-10, it was Chuck E. Cheese.

Sunday improved. Mildly.

But, now I’m in a coffee shop, sans kids, sans ball pits, costumed rats, and shopping carts. Instead, I’m nicely caffeinated, listening to a Spotify playlist of Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Hip Hop Songs of All Time, wondering how House of Pain’s Jump Around didn’t make the list and punching out a blog post on age discrimination to you fine folks.

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Only law blog with this pic. Fo Shizzle.

If only someone would’ve created a Grumpy Old Men / Wu-Tang Clan mashup. ODB passing the verse to Walter Matthau…

Oh well, you’re stuck with me blogging about an age discrimination case from the Northern District of Indiana. At least I’m off of the FLSA soapbox…for now.

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Because, I’m pretty sure that I’ll get my employment-lawyer-blogger card revoked if I don’t offer a self-deprecating blog post about age discrimination on my 40th birthday. But, feel free to raise my spirits by pledging a pair of tickets to the Philly stop of the Guns N’ Roses reunion tour.

Oh, God! I really am old!

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