Articles Posted in Age


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Law firms, among other businesses, are notorious for seeking non-partner candidates with experience within a range of years.

“1-4 years,” “5-8 years,” “with about 10 years of experience.”

Could placing a cap on the number of years of experience be part of a code for “we don’t want to hire old people”? Continue reading


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Remember that blog post I had last Spring. I’m talking about the one about an employment agency that allegedly emailed a job applicant the following cringe-worthy, what we’re really saying here is “sue me” rejection email:

“Thanks for your reply. I check the details of [sic] you. And you [sic] born in 1945. So I discussed with the client side. Age will matter. So that’s why I can’t [sic] be able to submit your profile to client side.”

Well, that company just settled with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for $50,000 and lots of equitable relief. Continue reading


When this happened, you knew that I had to do some celebrating. Twice.

So, the fam and braved the long lines (during which my young children got quite a vocabulary lesson) and headed into Philadelphia on Thursday for the Philadelphia Eagles parade. Just us and a few million strangers.

But, football season is over. I’ve caught my breath. I’m back in employment lawyer blogger mode with a 3-in-1 post today. Continue reading


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The title of this blog post is somewhat misleading.

Yes, this post combines cars and employment law. But, more than anything, it was just an excuse to use this cool image, play The Cars – a song called “Drive,” no less – and say, “Dude, where’s my car?”

You’ll see what I mean. Continue reading


Hundreds of large employers, including Amazon, T-Mobile US, and Cox Communications allegedly engaged in the unlawful practice of excluding older workers from receiving job ads on Facebook for open positions at their companies, claim the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and three workers. Together with powerhouse law firm Outten & Golden, they filed this class action lawsuit yesterday in California. Continue reading

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As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is determined to make the ADEA “more relevant than ever.”

Translation: If your workplace doesn’t get its act together soon, come 2018, you’re gonna be like this if the agency or a plaintiff’s lawyer comes calling.

Fortunately, help is on the way. Continue reading

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