
What’s cookin’ in celeb chef Paula Deen’s kitchen? Discrimination?

Allegedly, of course.

Say it ain’t so, Paula.

RadarOnline.com reports here — how many times to I get to type that?!? — that a former employee of one of Paula Deen’s restaurants has accused both the TV chef and her brother of race discrimination and sexual harassment. You can find a copy of the Complaint here.

Among the more salacious allegations, the plaintiff claims (and I’m going to quote from the Complaint here. So, some of this stuff may should offend you):

  • Ms. Deen allegedly told her brother, “If you think I have worked this hard to lose everything because of a piece of pussy, you better think again…and now I am going to something I have never done. I am going to put a woman in a man’s job.”
  • That when asked by Ms. Jackson what type of uniforms she preferred servers to wear, Paula Deen stated, “Well what I would really like is a bunch of little [N-words] to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around.”
  • Ms. Deen’s brother, who is described in the Complaint as “a frequent customer of pornography Web sites”, allegedly told the plaintiff, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my sister, if it ever comes down to firing a guy or a girl, you let the girl go because they are a dime a dozen and you can always find a girl to come work for you but it’s hard to find good guys.”

FoxNews reports here that attorneys for the Deen defendants claim a shakedown and that the lawsuit lacks any merit. Ooh-ooh-ooooh! I’ve got it!

“Former employee cooks up discrimination charges against TV’s Paula Deen.”

*** swish ***

Incidentally, the judge has already rejected a gag order request, according to the Savannah Morning News. I’ll let you know how this case turns out.

UPDATE (3/11/12): Here’s a clip of “Paula Deen” discussing the lawsuit on SNL

Image Credit: AP (via FoxNews.com)