
There’s fudging credentials, and then there are these fifteen resume doozies.

CareerBuilder has released the 2015 edition of its “Biggest Resume Blunders” Survey. You know, about that seventh bullet. I was positive that I’d changed my email address before submitting that resume to NASA. Oh well. Their loss.

Here’s the full list:

  • Applicant claimed to be a former CEO of the company to which they were applying.
  • Applicant claimed to be fluent in two languages – one of which was pig Latin.
  • Applicant wrote “whorehouse” instead of “warehouse” when listing work history.
  • Applicant’s personal website linked to a porn site.
  • Applicant introduced himself [in the cover letter] by saying “Hey you.”
  • Applicant vying for a customer service position gave “didn’t like dealing with angry customers” as the reason for leaving her last job.
  • User name of applicant’s email address was “2poopy4mypants.”
  • Applicant claimed to be a Nobel Prize winner.
  • Applicant claimed to have worked in a jail when they were really in there serving time.
  • Applicant who claimed to be HVAC certified later asked the hiring manager what “HVAC” meant.
  • Applicant said to have gotten fired “on accident.”
  • Applicant claimed to have attended a college that didn’t exist.
  • Applicant for a driver position claimed to have 10 years of experience but had only had a driver’s license for four years.
  • Applicant listed as a reference an employer from whom they had embezzled money and had an arrest warrant out for the applicant.
  • Applicant’s stated job history had him in three different companies and three different cities simultaneously.
Image Credit: neetalparekh on Flickr