
This military hospital’s social media cluster-you-know-what checks all the wrong boxes


Originally, I was toying with titling this post, “What Employers Can Learn From Military Nurses Who Pose Newborns Dancing to 50 Cent, Give Them The Finger, And Then Snap A Video And Photo Captioned, ‘How I currently feel about these mini Satans.’

But, yesterday’s blog title was so long already.

Watch this 40-second video for a recap of the story, and I’ll meet you down below with some takeaways.,

Employer takeaways.

  1. I’ve had a bunch of posts recently about the workplace ramifications of employees who do dumb stuff online off the clock. Here’s an example. But, let’s not take for granted that our employees will be model social-media users while on the clock. (Oh, you block social media on your network? Ever heard of a smartphone?). A reminder from time to time may help.
  2. This news is embarrassing for the hospital. But, the HIPAA violation may really leave a mark. Please remind your employees that protected health information — you may not run a health system but you have separate employee medical files, don’t you? — needs to remain private and, err, protected.
  3. And, while you’re at it, a more general reminder about maintaining the confidentiality of business information that is meant to remain confidential wouldn’t hurt.

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Alright, friends. Help me out with my Netflix original series queue.

[cue music]

  1. Narcos
  2. Peaky Blinders
  3. Master of None
  4. Every Marvel series known to man
  5. GLOW
  6. Ozark
  7. Stranger Things
  8. Making a Murderer

What’s next? Email me.

(If you say Orange is the New Black, we can’t be friends).