
The Employer Handbook Blog


Rapping about an unemployment benefits scam does not enrapture the U.S. Department of Justice.

By Employment Development Department – Public Domain, Link Maybe Fontrell Antonio Baines, 31, who uses the stage name “Nuke Bizzle,” took it one teensy step too far. Late last week, the US. Department of Justice announced here that it had arrested and charged Mr. Baines for a scheme to fraudulently…


One HR lesson from two exotic dancers on misclassifying employees as independent contractors.

Lantay77 at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons It’s getting hot in herrrrrrrrrrrrre! Well, tepid. It’s an employment law blog, after all. A strip club in Ohio employed two women for several months. Let’s call them, oh, I dunno, “plaintiffs.” During their time working for the club, the plaintiffs…


“Salt Bae” employees complaining about tips are cooking up some new federal claims

Terron F.Beckham, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Restauranteur Nusret Gökçe became an internet sensation a few years ago. Basically, he’s famous because he did this. And he’s easy on the eyes. Hence, the nickname “Salt Bae.” According to Wikipedia, Mr. Gökçe has cashed in on his popularity and fame…


Take a good hard look straight in the “I’s.” Do you like what you see?

Image Credit: Last Friday, I read an attorney’s status update on LinkedIn that asked a simple question, one which many of us often take for granted. “What is the cost of inaction?” As a lawyer, that really resonates. Inaction, and some other “I” words like indecision and inertia, are…


Business groups give 👎 on new limits to diversity training. SHRM too — maybe.

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay The saga continues following new rules prohibiting federal contractors from conducting certain types of diversity training. Yesterday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and over 100 business groups wrote this letter to the White House asking it to reconsider Executive Order 13950, Combating Race and Sex…


“Well, you’re kind of getting up there in years, you’re at retirement age, you go one way and the company’s going the other.”

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay If I’m taking the plaintiff’s deposition, and I hear these words escape his lips when describing the termination meeting with this supervisor, well, I’m not sure how I would go about maintaining my poker face. So, pick your Thursday tune — Lady Gaga [YouTube;…

Posted in: Age

Trust me. It’s not a good look when the EEOC thinks that you haven’t hired a woman in over 30 years!!!

Photo by lpdesigns form PxHere I’m conflicted. There’s this great age discrimination opinion about which I planned to blog today. It involved an awkward moment at a termination meeting, where the supervisor of a 40-year employee allegedly told him, “Well, you’re kind of getting up there in years, you’re at…


Why countersuing an employee can be a recipe for disaster!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Rarely — and by “rarely,” I mean usually — I’ll have an employer client ask me about countersuing an employee that has just sued the company. First, you’re probably just throwing good money after bad. But, I generally don’t debate this with my more…


What actually happens if the EEOC thinks we discriminated against an employee? 😮

Image by Ohmydearlife from Pixabay Imagine not only facing a Charge of Discrimination that one of your employees has filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission but also enduring an investigation where the EEOC ultimately concludes there is reasonable cause to believe discrimination has occurred. Uggh. What’s next?…


OFCCP elaborates on what kind of diversity training government contractors can (and can’t) do.

U.S. Government / Public domain As Microsoft deals with a government investigation into its diversity hiring program, the rest of you federal contractors should take note of these new Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFFCP) guidelines addressing the White House “Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping.” (You…