
The Employer Handbook Blog


OSHA’s getting serious — enforcement serious — about coronavirus and the workplace

Photo by Words as Pictures from StockSnap On Friday, OSHA announced that it had launched a “national emphasis program” to protect high-risk workers from COVID-19 hazards. Ok, OSHA, you have our attention. According to OSHA’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor, “This program seeks to substantially reduce or eliminate coronavirus…


In a move that no one saw coming, the Biden DOL plans to 86 the joint employer and proposed independent contractor rules

Heart Monitor by habione 404 from the Noun Project Oh, how embarrassing! Let me fix that blog post title. In a move that no one anyone with half a brain or a faint pulse saw coming, the Biden DOL will eliminate the joint employer and proposed independent contractor rules. There,…


How will the American Rescue Plan’s FFCRA (paid leave) changes impact employers?

Image Credit: Spoiler Alert: Not much. But, since President Biden’s signature later this week will be the finishing touch on making his American Rescue Plan law, I’ll break it down for you anyway. FFCRA remains voluntary. If your private-sector business has fewer than 500 employees, you can continue to…


You can’t force me to get vaccinated! I’m suing!

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay CDC be damned! We’ve got what appears to be our first lawsuit related to a workplace vaccination mandate.. On February 28, an employee at a New Mexico detention center has sued his employer, which supposedly now requires that all first responders receive the COVID-19 vaccination,…


CDC greenlights maskless face-to-face meetings with no social distancing.

Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons But there’s a catch. It has something to do with vaccinations. Perhaps you’ve heard of them. Here are the CDC’s new recommendations, which apply to non-healthcare settings. Fully vaccinated people can: Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without…


President Biden has fired the EEOC’s General Counsel. Will this move impact your company?

By U.S. Government – Extracted from PDF file here, Public Domain, Link Probably not. But please keep reading anyway. (I knew I should have saved the answer for the end of the post. Damnit!) In what seems to be a pattern, President Biden has fired another general counsel from an…


If you’re not providing paid military leave, you may need a good employment lawyer.

Photo By: Senior Airman Donald Hudson ( Hey, I know a good management-side employment lawyer! Just sayin’. What is USERRA? The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) is a federal law that protects servicemembers’ and veterans’ civilian employment rights. USERRA guarantees reemployment rights for employees who…


The federal government seems much less uptight now about employees that have used marijuana

elsaolofsson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons and Cannabis News No, today isn’t “Bring Your Bong To Work” Day. That’s tomorrow. But the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is finally conceding in this memo that marijuana use may not be a concern when considering the suitability or fitness of…