
The Employer Handbook Blog


On Friday, New Jersey will lift most COVID-19 mask restrictions. But, most businesses may be like, “WTH!”

confused by YuguDesign from the Noun Project New Jersey businesses, I’m warning you in advance not to hurt the messenger. Yesterday was supposed to be the big day. And in many respects it was. You see, word leaked heading into the weekend that Governor Phil Murphy was going to sign…


These are the red-light / green-light rules to filing a federal age discrimination lawsuit

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Over the weekend, I read this Sixth Circuit decision about a litigant who claimed that an employer discriminated against him based on his age in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. But this was not your ordinary age bias case. You see, the…

Posted in: Age

Does federal law require employers to provide leave from work to a woman recovering from a c-section?

Image Credit: month by Rohit Arun Rao from the Noun Project Pregnancy accommodations continue to trip up even the most seasoned HR professionals. Let’s see how you would handle this scenario. ABC Company has a pregnant employee. She requests a 30-day leave of absence for childbirth, which ABC grants. After…


Why did a transgender employee who needed leave from work lose claims for both sex and disability discrimination?

forever by priyanka from the Noun Project Sometimes it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees. Last night, after uploading the recording of yesterday’s CDC Face Mask Zoom to The Employer Handbook YouTube Channel, I read this recent Fifth Circuit opinion. It involves a transgender employee suing a former employer…


IRS to CDC: Hold our drink. Check out the new 41-page COBRA subsidy resource for employers

  Image Credit: I imagine that drink to be Ensure or Ovaltine, possibly Caffeine Free Coke Zero if things get nuts. Before face masks — or should I say no face masks — there was the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Among other things, the ARPA created a…


OSHA to CDC: We hear you, dawg. We’ll update our face mask guidance too.

Image Credit: Dawg, Eric? Clearly, I’ve been watching too many American Idol and Pimp My Ride reruns. Psst, I can still hook you up. More on the OSHA news in a sec. But, let’s talk about Wednesday’s Special Edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Hour first, Look, I…


New CDC face mask guidance for the fully-vaxxed and a Special Mid-Week Edition of The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Hour

Source: Now what?!? How rude of me! Thank you, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for announcing last Thursday that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting. Well, there is a catch. Actually, there are several. CDC prevention measures continue…


Before I get into that new CDC mask guidance, I owe you two more tips to avoid FMLA abuse

I still don’t regret buying this Krusty The Clown buff. Not one bit. On Monday, I’ll give you a thorough breakdown of yesterday’s CDC guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, including some initial thoughts on how to revise return-to-work/COVID-19 workplace policies. But now I want to pick up where I left…


A federal appellate court just hooked you up with three tips to erase FMLA abuse (Although, technically, I’m the one hooking you up because you’re reading them here in this blog post. But, who’s counting?) Ok, fine, thank you, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, for this opinion. It involves a woman who missed a lot of work. Too much work, as the case may…


What do adult toys and X-rays have to do with protecting trade secrets?

Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay I’ve been revising a lot of NDAs recently — not to be confused with N.W.A.s. Although, sometimes, I do listen to N.W.A. while updating nondisclosure agreements. My curious legal listening habits notwithstanding, there is a practical employment law point I’d like to make here.…