
The Employer Handbook Blog


WARNING: This pregnancy discrimination lawsuit might make your brain explode 🤯

Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay Imagine requiring a job applicant to reveal whether she is pregnant. That’s bad! And what if that was a company policy? That’s worse. But, let’s suppose that the company’s policy of disclosing pregnancies is IN WRITING. Ho-Ley 💩‼ These are just some of the…


It’s time to reassess dress codes … before the ACLU darkens your door too

Sodacan, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons An international airline is learning this lesson the hard way. Last Friday, the American Civil Liberties Union announced that it had sent this letter to a northwest-based airline on behalf of a non-binary employee demanding that it “stop enforcing a uniform policy that…

Posted in: Sex

Look into your COVID-19 crystal ball. Tell me what you see.

Image by nvodicka from Pixabay The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has invited me to present at its Examining Conflicts in Employment Laws (EXCEL) Training Conference —  the premier federal training conference for EEO managers, supervisors, and practitioners. I’ll be part of a hot topics panel on June 16, where…


What in the heck could this company have possibly been thinking?!?!? (Allegedly.)

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an employer for race and color discrimination. And water is wet. But what makes this one so 😲😨🤯? Check out the allegations from this press release that I read yesterday in the EEOC newsroom announcing a new Title…


VIDEO: Amy and Eric explain what’s 🔥hot🔥 with the EEOC’s new COVID-19 💉guidance

Image Credit: Photofunia On Friday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission posted updated and expanded technical assistance related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guidance answers open questions on issues surrounding vaccines like: Can an employer require employees to get vaccinated? Can an employer incentivize employees to get vaccines? How…


“Privileged white female ‘Karen’ caught on video verbally abusing an African American male” is now suing her former employer for discrimination

Adam Jones from Kelowna, BC, Canada, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Yesterday, one of my favorite HR people in the entire galaxy tweeted a link to this article from the AP. The AP reports that “the white woman who was widely condemned and fired after a videotaped dispute with…


POLL RESULTS: Don’t discipline employees that spread COVID-19 misinformation

Image by Craig Clark from Pixabay Getting in late from the Sixers/Wizards game last night — no, I didn’t dump popcorn on Russ Westbrook — I had no time to enjoy the Wednesday evening routine of a lime rickey, bubblegum cigarette, and writing the next day’s blog post. Silver lining:…


POLL: How should companies handle employees that spread COVID-19 misinformation?

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay The ‘inspiration’ for today’s post comes from this Buzzfeed article by David Mack and Tasneem Nashrulla entitled, “A Picturesque Cabin In The Woods Was Listed On Airbnb. The Catch? No COVID-Vaccinated Guests Allowed.” The title of the Buzzfeed article says it all and leaves little…