
The Employer Handbook Blog


Eric, I heard something about COVID-19 booster shots. Do we need provide employees PTO for that?

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay Yesterday, the CDC announced that a COVID-19 booster shot would be needed to maximize vaccine-induced protection and prolong its durability. Not coincidentally, multiple news outlets, including NBC News (here), report that the U.S. will begin to provide Covid-19 booster shots to all Americans beginning the…


Can an employee fired for refusing a mandatory workplace vaccination collect unemployment?

Image Credit: License: CC0 Public Domain Nope. Here’s why. Generally, getting fired for intentionally violating a company’s rules or policies disqualifies that person from receiving unemployment compensation benefits. The burden is on the employer to show that the rule or policy exists, the employee knew about it and violated it…


A court just EVISCERATED two baseless arguments from the transphobic “bathroom police” at work

Image Credit: I’ve provided advice to plenty of employers on transgender employees using restrooms. For most companies, it’s not an issue. Employees can use the restroom corresponding to their gender identity. But, sometimes I get pushback. And more often than not, the resistance comes in the form of two…

Posted in: Sex

Philadelphia and OSHA issued new mask instructions last week. One has 💪 while the other is just kinda 😐

lost by Andrew Doane from the Noun Project Spoiler alert: The place with hecka-cheesesteaks was flexing. Philadelphia’s mask rules. All Philadelphia businesses and institutions must require all employees and patrons — regardless of vaccination status — to wear masks indoors unless they require vaccinations for all employees and patrons. Certain…


In today’s edition of “HR and Hip Hop”: Sir Mix-A-Lot, LL Cool J, and The Fugees. Plus the B-52s and Seinfeld!

After two posts (here and here), I felt like the “HR & Hip Hop” series had run its course. Peace out. Audi 5000. And then someone on LinkedIn challenged me, “Do something using the iconic Sir Mix-a-Lot’s ‘Baby Got Back’ and show if you can earn some real street cred…


Could Shock G a/k/a Humpty Hump have used FMLA leave to get a nose job?

All right! Stop whatcha doin’. ‘Cause I’m about to — school you on the Family and Medical Leave Act. Yes, it’s another hip hop employment law lesson, this time honoring the late great Gregory Edward Jacobs a/k/a Shock G a/k/a Humpty Hump. Shock G’s alter ego Humpty Hump was the…


Is Skee Lo’s height a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act? #IWishIWasALittleBitTaller

A 90s hip hop lesson on the Americans with Disabilities Act? 🎵🎧🎙 Yes, please. Back in the mid-90s, amidst a brewing East Coast/West Coast rap battle, a diminutive MC named Skee Lo became a one-hit-wonder with a lighthearted track called “I Wish.” In that track, the diminutive Mr. Lo wishes…


Do COVID-19 business immunity state laws protect employers from ADA lawsuits too?

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay According to Bloomberg Law, “broad liability protections that shield most or all businesses [from COVID-19 liability are in] roughly half of all states now.” So let’s say that one of your employees is immunocompromised with an underlying disability, and she seeks an accommodation to mitigate…


Should religious objectors be excepted from mandatory vaccine requirements at work?

Arne Müseler /, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons I know this should be a “Monday” post, but, oh, what the heck. Over the past several days, I’ve read several articles about providing religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine. The Dean of the UC-Berkely School of Law says…