
The Employer Handbook Blog


How can unionized companies accommodate employees with religious beliefs without violating a CBA?

Back in 1977, Star Wars premiered, Seattle Slew won the Triple Crown, and the Supreme Court established that employers need not reasonably accommodate religious beliefs under Title VII if inconsistent with a collective bargaining agreement. Plus, Title VII does not require an employer to discriminate against other union employees by…


Join me for a new limited-run podcast called “Working Class”

From the creator of the blog that brought you, Did I ever tell you about the employee that called the owner a “f***ing crook”? and Dammit! They’re practically twisting my arm to blog about union-related stuff comes something new and exciting! I’m part of a new podcast called Working Class. Working…


While the EEOC facilitates bias claims for non-binary employees, here are seven ways to support them at work.

The nation’s anti-discrimination enforcer is promoting greater equity and inclusion for members of the LGBTQI+ community. Soon, non-binary individuals can select a nonbinary “X” gender marker during the voluntary self-identification questions that are part of the intake process for filing a charge of discrimination. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission…


195,000 reasons to remember that state family leave laws don’t always track the FMLA

If you operate a business in a state that has a family and medical leave law, be careful when that state law does not overlap precisely with the Family and Medical Leave Act. For example, in New Jersey, a/k/a the California of the East, an employee can get job-protected leave…


Save yourself a call to your employment lawyer with this easy COVID-19 tool

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool to help determine how long employees need to isolate, quarantine, or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19? Late last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unveiled this Quarantine and Isolation Calculator to help people know what to do…


This new bill would allow an employee to skip work “because the employee feels unsafe.”

I’ll admit it. I was wrong. All those times that I joked about California being the “New Jersey of the West” when it comes to employment law. And when I said that New York City or Virginia or some other state or locality was becoming the people’s champ. I was…


That bartender who claims she was fired for COVID-19 weight gain while quarantining may have a solid FLSA claim!

Always wait at least one hour before swimming after a large meal. That big brown shark in the swimming pool isn’t always a Baby Ruth. Hold the cue stick properly. Chalk up before each shot. These are solid (and mildly off-putting) pool tips. But let’s talk about tip pools instead.…