
The Employer Handbook Blog


When hiring: Just because you can ask it, doesn’t mean you should

I received a comment to yesterday’s post about 29 questions you should never ask a candidate in a job interview.   Laurie Ruettimann, who blogs at The Cynical Girl, questioned the real-world ramifications of making one of my 29 no-no’s: “Hey, Eric. Great list. I once had an employment lawyer…


Fact or Fiction: Miniature horse = reasonable ADA accommodation

Welcome back to “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post”. So, is a miniature horse a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act? Maybe. Title I of the ADA covers employers discriminating against qualified individuals…


Welcome to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Jukebox edition!

The Employment Law Blog Carnival has finally rolled into town. What is a blog carnival? It is a collection of links on a particular topic — here, employment law — that bloggers have submitted to me, which I then arrange around a particular theme. For this edition of the Carnival,…


Demystifying Federal and New Jersey Family Leave Laws

Folks, you are in for a treat today. Today we have a guest blogger at The Employer Handbook. It’s Janette Levey Frisch. Janette is In-House Counsel at Joule, Inc. where she provides comprehensive legal representation and support to a staffing company with five subsidiaries throughout the East Coast. You can…


Badge, gun, social media policy: Philly cops now have all three

Philadelphia Police Department has enacted a social media policy. You can view it here. A couple of noteworthy points about this policy: It recognizes that social media plays an important “business” role within the Department. The Department gets it by endorsing the “secure use of social media to enhance communication, collaboration,…