
The Employer Handbook Blog


Twitter costs four their jobs and saves another from death row

Is there anything that Twitter can’t do? *** Twitter, make me a sandwich! *** Anyway, after the jump, news of three congressional aides who could use a job, a mixed-martial artist whose bosses don’t appreciate tweets about “rape vans,” and a convicted murderer on death row who is going to…


What are the consequences of ignoring a written handbook policy?

What’s the point of having a written handbook policy if you aren’t going to follow it? Better yet, what are the consequences of not following that handbook policy? (Hint: they’re bad). Find out why after the jump… * * * This recent federal-court age-discrimination decision underscores the importance of companies…

Posted in: Age

Will ya just retire already? No, but I’ll sue for age discrimination.

Back in August, I blogged about a case where a federal court held that an employer inquiring about an employee’s retirement plans, alone, does not discriminate on the basis of age. But what about relentlessly browbeating a plaintiff into retiring? Could that be age discrimination? What do you think, Brett?…


72 ways to prevent an office party from creating an HR hangover

If you read this blog, then I trust you read other HR/Employment-law-related blogs. And, if you do that, prepare for a December-deluge of “Ten Tips for a Safe, Fun, and Legal Holiday Party.” Screw all that! Ten tips is so last year. *** Big dork say “what” *** “What! What!”…