
The Employer Handbook Blog


Supervisor’s advice to sexually-harassed employee: “Pray…”

Worst. advice. ever. More on this doozy involving two Denny’s waitresses after the jump… * * * Two Denny’s waitresses have filed this complaint in CA Superior Court alleging that their manager sexually harassed them and, when they complained to another Denny’s manager, they wore told, “Pray about the situation.”…


EEOC to meet today to discuss pregnancy discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold a public meeting on the subject of pregnancy discrimination and caregiver issues at 9:30 a.m. today in Washington, DC. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by. The meeting is open to the public. According to this…


Pedophilia as a disability?!? #Vomit

Yesterday, Greece came through with a long-awaited economic reform deal. Congratulations to them. What I want to know, however, is what the heck the Greek government was thinking when it recently expanded a list of state-recognized disability categories to include pedophiles, exhibitionists and kleptomaniacs. Bailout money back, please. At Res…


Judge, jury, and…Facebookutioner

Like you could do better… If When “Facebookutioner” catches on, you read it here first. But seriously folks, let’s talk about what judges are doing about jury use of social media during trial… According to this survey, in which 508 federal judges completed questionnaires, only 30 respondents (5.9%) are aware of…