
The Employer Handbook Blog


Up with NLRB employee-rights posters, or suffer ze consequences

Back on August 26, in this post, I gave the heads up that the National Labor Relations Board would require most private-sector employers to post this notice (a super-sized version of the one on the right), in a conspicuous location, informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act,…


Will states outlaw demanding online passwords from employees?

About a year, I wondered whether employers should ever require job applicants to divulge Facebook passwords. Ultimately, I concluded then — and still believe now — that while employers may choose to use social media as part of a background-check process, you’re playing with fire if you start asking job…


You can’t get Facebook login info based on a smiling profile pic

I got this as a Google Alert on Monday. The case is Davids v. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Allow me to set the stage for you. Plaintiff sues, claiming ongoing suffering from osteonecrosis of the jaw (if you click the link, don’t look at the picture on the right. Ewwwww)   Defendant…


Social Media In The Workplace: Where is it Today? Tomorrow? [VIDEO]

Yesterday, I had the absolute privilege of moderating a panel on social media in the workplace at TLNT Transform in Austin, TX. Transform is for talent managers and HR leaders who are looking for cutting-edge insights and best practices from innovative and forward-thinking companies.  Three HR Rockstars, Karren Fink, Laurie…


But, you see judge, it was only “exotic dancer” harassment…

I’ve come up with some pretty creative defenses to unlawful harassment. Usually, however, before I file a pleading, I take out my trusty red pen iPad and delete those arguments that are just so outrageous that I feel my client will lose credibility with the court. But that’s just me. After…


Social Media & HR: Policies and Legal Pitfalls in 140 characters

What were you doing yesterday between 3 and 4 PM EST? Me? I was tweeting with the great people at SHRM’s We Know Next and several other Twitter stars, answering questions and otherwise making insightful snarky comments that sniffed insightful but were generally closer to snarky, on the topic of…


The ADA does not force employers to provide indefinite leave

Hey, that blog title looks familiar. Oh yeah! I wrote about it here back in October. This time around, another federal court, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, has reaffirmed that while a “leave of absence may be a reasonable accommodation [under the Americans with Disabilities Act]”, the employee must provide…