
The Employer Handbook Blog


4 new employment-law bills now pending in Congress

  Below are summaries of four pieces of legislation of which employers should take note: Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act. Senator Tom Harkin (IA-D) introduced this bill last week. It would overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Gross v. FBL Financial Services, Inc. and lower the burden of…


Baseball has a new social media policy. And it may be unlawful.

I’ll tell you why, after the jump… The National Labor Relations Board stresses that employees must be able to discuss their jobs freely. The National Labor Relations Board, which helps administer the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act, believes that social-media policies are overly broad if they unfairly restrict…


Flyer claims Chick-Fil-A asks potential hires about sexual history

Over the weekend, I read this story by Laura Hibbard at the Huffington Post about a phony job flyer handed out by two men in red blazers posing as Chick-Fil-A employees [link to video] on the campus of New York University. The phony flyer states: Remember Chick-Fil-A is a Christian…


Here’s a tip. Don’t post Peyton Manning’s dinner bill on the ‘net.

Because it’ll cost you your job. Dale Gibson of The Triangle Business Journal reports here that a waiter at The Angus Barn in Raleigh, NC posted on the internet a copy of Peyton Manning’s credit card receipt from a recent dinner there. Manning may not have a job, but he…


7 things I learned presenting on social media at #SHRMleg

On Monday I had the privilege of presenting “Social Media for HR: Practical Guidance from a Generation Y Attorney” to a packed house at the SHRM 2012 Employment Law and Legislative Conference in Washingon, DC. I killed (naturally) and the audience of attorneys and HR professionals was fantastic. During the course…