
The Employer Handbook Blog


Do we need to post the NLRB poster? Just answer the question!

I’ve beaten it to death on this blog. The National Labor Relations Board created a rule that will require most private-sector employers to post this notice, in a conspicuous location, informing employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, which includes the right to form a union. Here’s…


Do your confidentiality agreements pass muster with the NLRB?

Last week, Jon Hyman at the Ohio Employer Law Blog was on point with this good post discussing a recent National Labor Relations Board Administrative Law Judge decision. The case involved what the NLRB General Counsel believed was an overly-broad social media policy in two regards: It banned employees from…


And the first state to ban asking for employee Facebook passwords is…

It’s Maryland. (Now if only they would do something about this). Details after the jump… * * * Earlier last month, I mentioned here that Maryland was one of three states — CA and IL were the others — considering legislation to ban employers from request social media passwords from employees and…


Meyer(s) on Pending Employment Bills, Social Media, and Slides

On Employment Legislation: Just when you thought you had the employment law landscape figured out, along comes pending legislation that could change everything. From age discrimination claims to workplace flexibility to unionization and labor organizing, new bills in the House and Senate may change the way you run your business.…


Employment discrimination by the numbers: Foreign Edition

Now in autotune. (Betcha didn’t expect that). Yesterday, we were rapping (without the benefit of autotune) about immigration status and unlawful discrimination and concluded that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of immigration status (although national-original discrimination is unlawful). And…