
The Employer Handbook Blog


U.S. Senate now has its own FB password bill; NJ nears similar ban

Well, that didn’t take long. Late last month, I reported on a bill that had been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, known as the Social Networking Online Protection Act (SNOPA), that would prohibit employers, schools, and universities from requiring someone to provide a username, password or other access…


A Facebook firing? An employer in hot water? Ya don’t say…

  Yesterday, I gave my social media in the workplace spiel to a great crowd in Hershey, PA, at the Banyan Consulting 12th Annual Conference. Not surprisingly, the majority of questions posed involved the attention that the National Labor Relations Board has paid to social-media-related employee discipline. And that reminded…


Report: Employees share WAY more Facebook info than they think

Maryland has a new law forbidding employers from demanding that job applicants and employees divulge online passwords. Two weeks ago, the federal government proposed similar legislation. And, last week, news surfaced that Delaware may be placing the same restrictions on employers. But who needs to demand online passwords, when, according…


That’s what she said: A hairy religious discrimination claim is settled

If only I had a nickel for every time someone asked me, “How do you have time to blog every day?” The answer is simple: Jolt Cola Juleps and rogue Keebler Elves I just enjoy writing. But even so, it can get tiring sometimes. was discussing this with a…


No FMLA claim for employee who mistakenly thought he was fired

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before… Employee gets bad performance review. Employee laments to HR about the pressures of work. Employee emails a company vice president requesting that he stop propagating company “propaganda”. Employee accuses another employee of “dismantling the Spanish Department” Employee attempts to mass email the…


More office romances; more anti-harassment training

A recent survey by Workplace Options, shows that most Generation-Y employees believe that an office romance will have a positive influence on performance and overall workplace morale. Sounds like a Cialis commercial. Who says I need to wait for Valentine’s Day for this post? Losers, that’s who. Lock the broom…


New NLRB election rules may get derailed; plus more on SNOPA

Two quick updates for you today; one labor, one employment. Word has trickled in that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia held a conference call with lawyers from the National Labor Relations Board, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, and informed…