
The Employer Handbook Blog


Your state’s family-leave benefits probably suck!

That according to a a new survey from The National Partnership for Women & Families. The survey compared how state-based rights and protections compare to the 12 weeks of leave for new and expecting parents provided by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the protections provided by the…


Fact or Fiction: Disabilities under the ADAAA cannot be episodic

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” So, let’s get right to it. In Pearce-Mato v. Shinseki, decided earlier this week, a Pennsylvania federal court reminded us…


4 pending bills that could change the NJ employment landscape

  One of my favorite reads on NJ employment law is Ogletree Deakins’s New Jersey eAuthority. The June 2012 issue highlights several pieces of legislation now pending in NJ of which employers should take note. I’ve summarized four of them after the jump… * * * Severance yes, unemployment compensation…


Employer’s failure to investigate harassment creates retaliation claim

If an employee complains that her supervisor is sexting her, making unwelcome physical contact, and telling her that she can get a better work schedule in exchange for “small favors,” you better damn well investigate that! Ignore it and you risk losing a valuable defense to sexual harassment claim. This…


The teacher who blogged about her “dunderhead” students is back!

And she’s making news again… It’s been nine long months since I blogged about a favorite of The Employer Handbook: Natalie Munroe. You can read about her here, here, here, and here. She is the PA teacher who, on her blog, described her students as argumentative f*cks who may engage…


Do employees have protected privacy rights in Facebook postings?

John and Mary are co-workers. They are also Facebook friends. And both John and Mary have adjusted their respective Facebook privacy settings such that only Facebook friends can view what they post online from their individual accounts. Consequently, John and Mary can view each other’s Facebook posts, but Sam the…


No flush, but two of a kind win in a workplace toilet dispute

Hey employers! You know what’s stupid? My tongue-in-cheek pun on despicable workplace conditions. Depriving employees of bathroom privileges. Even dumber is firing them after they complain to state regulators about the lack of an onsite toilet.  One company recently learned this lesson the hard way. Details after the jump… *…