
The Employer Handbook Blog


I can’t believe you missed these workplace blockbusters, you guys!

Translation: Recent HR / employment law developments that Meyer missed a/k/a Meyer needs to clear out his folder of bookmarked employment-law items to make room for his dork dorkier Fantasy Baseball bookmarks. Pitchers and catchers report in just over two months. More courts weigh in on social-media discovery issues. “Good news.…


EEOC: Bar claimed males like their Sunday servers sans embryo

*** Googles “sans,” wipes brow while sighing in relief  *** I’m not aware of any studies or surveys that the Sandbar Mexican Grill conducted on this subject. Instead, I imagine something like this: Sandbar Customer: “Two please.”Sandbar Manager: “Sure. But before I seat you, do you see that bartender over there?…


“Younger people are the future” comment creates age-bias claim

Hey Employers! Want to guarantee yourself a jury trial in an age-discrimination case? Just mention the word “younger” to any employee age forty or above right around the time you fire him. [Editor’s Note: Calling that employee an “old man,” “old fart,” “pops,” and “grandpa” will also do the trick…

Posted in: Age

Boy meets girl, dates girl, breaks up, calls girl “whore,” gets fired, sues for discrimination

Image credit:, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. When a male employee texted his female co-worker and former girlfriend that she was a “whore” and later ignored two protective orders that the female co-worker had taken out against him, I wonder if he was thinking, “Maybe,…


That’s what he said: SCOTUS hears argument on who is a “supervisor”

Maetta Vance, the only African-American working in her department at Ball State University, claimed that she was subjected to both race discrimination and retaliation. Vance later sued and lost because she could not establish employer liability, which, in turn, depended on whether the alleged harassment was perpetrated by supervisors or…


The most blunt same-sex sexual harassment judicial opinion…evah!

So captivating that, at 35 pages long, it held my attention for 24 of them. Winning!  I’ll whet your whistle with the opening paragraph of EEOC v. The McPherson Cos., Inc.: This Title VII case revolves around repeated churlish, childish, gross, sordid, vulgar, foul, disgusting, profane utterances in the workplace.…

Posted in: Sex

If your employees did THIS on Facebook, what would you do?

bone·head [bohn-hed] noun a foolish or stupid person; blockhead. This moron! On a business trip, two employees visited the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, where one snapped that photo of the other. Then, the photographed employee posted the picture on her Facebook page. Let’s assume these knuckleheads…