
The Employer Handbook Blog


Court ok’s firing teacher who called students ‘future criminals’ on Facebook

Jennifer O’Brien has a master’s degree in education and certifications as an elementary school teacher and supervisor. All that education and no common sense. You’ll see what I mean after the jump. It’s what we wordsmiths call a s&!*storm of a clusterf#%k. * * * O’Brien was assigned to teach the…


Who are YOU to tell ME that I’m not offended by sexual harassment?!?

The original working title for the post was “The Third Circuit takes a deuce on my ‘Pottymouths’ post.” I meant it in the figurative sense. Otherwise, I would be at a loss for words with IT. More so than usual… {Napalms browser history} But, fortunately, good taste and high morals…


School-bus driver calls student “little bitch” on Facebook, gets fired, and sues?!?

Of course she does. What does the Complaint say? And what can employers take away from it? Find out after the jump… * * * In her Complaint (copy here), the (former) school-bus driver claims that, after her shift ended, she privately messaged a student — someone who never rode…


Court countenances canning complainers of consensual canoodling

In Centucky Kentucky, it’s not retaliation to fire employees who complain about sexual favoritism. Then again making apple-pie moonshine and using a butcher cleaver to slice off the arm of a Detroit gangster isn’t frowned upon either. At least, that’s what watching Justified teaches me. But even in Kentucky, they…


This is my new go-to social-media-discovery judicial opinion

I assure you that what inspired this post had nothing to do with the facts of the case; namely: the female plaintiff claiming that her female-lawyer boss groped her; or   the plantiff’s Facebook posts about pole-dancing and calling her breasts “milk factories”. That’s all purely coincidental. Indeed, it sounds like…