
The Employer Handbook Blog


New PA bill would make the Commonwealth a right-to-work state

Before I get into the this new bill, let’s clear up a popular misconception: David Hasselhoff lives in my basement rent-free right-to-work means that an employee can be fired at any time for any non-discriminatory reason. No, dudes. That’s called at-will employment. Right-to-work laws give individual employees in a unionized workplace…


Woman’s Kanye-inspired “take this job and shove it” video goes viral. Would YOU hire her?

Here’s the video: // Here’s the question: <a href=””>Would you hire this employee?</a> Would you hire this woman? Tell me why or why not in the comments below. UPDATE: What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. (h/t


The golden rule of accommodating employees under the ADA

Last week, I talked about reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the importance of having an open-minded, respectful conversation with a disabled employee who requests an accommodation to perform the essential functions of the job. Ultimately, as I’ve discussed before, the employer (and not the employee) may…


Telling an employee to “focus on her health” is not disability discrimination

  Rather, it’s just being — oh what’s that word — ‘human.’ Like in this case, in which a supervisor with breast cancer was disciplined — yes, folks, you can reprimand an employee with an ADA “disability” or FMLA “serious health condition” — for allegedly calling other employees names such…


Employee asks court to stop company from making her work Saturdays

Sounds like someone’s taken a page out of the Lionel Hutz playbook. Patrice Williams is a Seventh-Day Adventist. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that the Sabbath runs from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Because of her sincerely-held religious beliefs, Ms. Williams requested that her employer not require her to work during the…


Court ok’s firing EAP employee upset with company’s workplace investigation

J. Neil DeMasters worked as an EAP counselor for Carilion Clinic. During the course of his employment, a co-worker came to him complaining to have been a victim of sexual harassment. Mr. DeMasters relayed his co-worker’s complaint to HR. Then he was fired. Does Mr. DeMasters have a possible retaliation…


That’s what they said: Facebook “Like” under the First Amendment, same-sex marriage benefits, plus a carnival

Now, where did I put the mustard for my deep fried Red Bull battered Twinkie dog? (Like I would ever use ketchup for that?!?) While I search for the spicy brown, after the jump, I’ll get you caught up on the latest employment-law news… * * * Over at the…