
The Employer Handbook Blog


New Year’s Resolution: Social media training for your workforce

The king is dead. Long live the king! Teens are beginning to drop Facebook like a bad habit; instead, taking advantage of messaging apps like What’sApp, Snapchat, and Instagram to social network. According to a GlobalWebIndex study highlighted in this Forbes article from Haydn Shaughnessy, “from Q2 2012 to Q3…


The most clicked, hella-best HR-compliance updates from 2013!!!

Ah, it was a good year at the ole Handbook. Total web traffic was up over fifty percent from 2012. And average time per visit was down over 20%, which is fine by me. I pad my important stats, while discouraging loitering. And we got our first visitor from Uzbekistan.…


A general manager may have to pay his employer’s wage-and-hour debts

Earlier this month, in this post, I highlighted a Pennsylvania federal court opinion recognizing that the Fair Labor Standards Act definition of “employer” is broad enough to bestow personal liability for a company’s wage-and-hour debts upon its President/CEO. Well, how about a general manager that has zero ownership interest in…


Teacher fired over Facebook groping photo could get her job back

Back in October, I blogged here about Ms. Cook, an Idaho school teacher who lost her job after her employer learned about a photo on her Facebook page that showed her boyfriend touching her chest. (Oh, fine, here’s the pic) What made this story unique — yeah, I know, teacher…


So your public relations executive just tweeted a racist joke that went viral…

It doesn’t end well for the PR Exec. Just so we’re clear. Click through to read the full story… “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” A PR Executive from IAC, which owns such online publications as The Daily Beast,,, and several others,…


PA Gov. Corbett announces support for ban on LGBT workplace discrimination

Over the Summer, I reported here that about companion Pennsylvania bills introduced in the House and Senate that would outlaw both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. Each bill had bipartisan support, but it was unclear how Governor Corbett (R) would act if a bill was placed…


Proposed bill banning credit checks on employees and applicants reintroduced

Second verse, same as the first. Back in March, I reported here that a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, known as the Equal Employment for All Act, would amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to prohibit the use of consumer credit checks against prospective and current employees…


Telling an employee her “big fat ass needs to concentrate on losing weight” is not discrimination

Let’s talk (alleged) big butts and discrimination after the jump… (Sir Mix-a-Lot is gonna be feelin’ this post). * * * Hey yo! Find me another employment-law blogger spinning Sir Mix-a-Lot. Yeah, that’s what I thought. So, show me some love, take a few seconds, and vote for The Employer Handbook…