
The Employer Handbook Blog


Apparently, you can curse your boss out and still keep your job

What with me gabbing on about firefighters afraid of fighting fires, butt grabs, and some Delaware lawyer starving himself over social media, I missed this National Labor Relations Board decision, in which the Board basically held that, as long as you don’t go too far and pull a Latrell Sprewell,…


If you have questions today about FMLA/ADA leave issues, I’ve got your hook up

In two weeks, at the SHRM Annual Conference, I’ll be presenting “Meeting the Challenges That Leaves of Absence and Attendance Issues Present Under the FMLA and ADA.”  The good news is that I have 75 minutes of HR greatness planned for my SHRM sesh. The bad news is that my…


The firefighter afraid of fighting fires loses his ADA claim. Right, you guys? Right?!?

If I could drink up your collective skepticism when it comes to these Americans with Disabilities Act cases… …I’d need my stomach pumped. Let’s see. There’s the one about the utilityman who couldn’t climb utility poles, but had an ADA claim against a utility company. And then who can forget…


Ban the box is one step closer to becoming law throughout New Jersey

Many cities in the Mid-Atlantic region (Philadelphia, Newark) have passed legislation that makes it illegal for employers to inquire about criminal history early on in the job application / interview process. The State of Delaware too has passed this so-called “ban the box” rule. Last week, a New Jersey Senate…


Court: Two butt grabs from a male boss would not offend an objectively, reasonable female

Welcome to Alabama, where they see your one-grope rule and raise you two grabs of the derriere. Why? Because, according to this recent federal court opinion, the average female employee would not find getting her ass grabbed twice by a male supervisor to be offensive. Now remember, that for a…


A lawyer is literally starving himself to raise awareness for social media firings

Meet Delaware lawyer, Brian Zulberti. According to his website, back in 2013, after getting his DE bar license, Mr. Zulberti emailed every Delaware lawyer asking for information about job openings. In each email, he included this photo of himself in a sleeveless t-shirt. Mr. Zulberti claims that this mass email,…


Employment at-will trumps the 2nd Amendment (Yes, you can fire the employee who shoots a gun at work)

In every one of the United States, except Montana, employment is at-will. This means that, absent a contract of employment for a specific period of time, you may fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all. (Not to be confused with “right to work” — more on…


Dust off that resume when your students really “like” that Facebook post of your face on a beer label

Why, just last week, I was saying that the Facebook stupidity scale had shifted away from teachers in favor of bar/tavern staff. I stand corrected. For future reference, you can never go wrong with Vining the one-year-old slugger. Image Credit: Facebook


For the love of God, bar owners! Train your employees not to liken beer to domestic violence.

  I used to say that teachers were the most irresponsible Facebook user group. Now, I’m leaning towards the bar and nightclub industry. Last month, a worker at a downtown Philadelphia bar displayed a Heineken chalkboard with the message “I like my beer like I like my violence… domestic.” to…