
The Employer Handbook Blog


Is it discrimination to favor a workplace shortie (shawtie?) over her male subordinates?

Because all the other blogs will say “paramour” or “lover”  in the lede, and I need to remain relevant (or “down,” if you will) with my more trendy readers. Over the weekend, I read this case in which a male plaintiff alleged discrimination because his supervisor was allegedly schtupping a…


EEOC shows no goodwill to Goodwill Industries: $100K for retaliation

Just in case you thought that the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission uses a soft touch towards any business that may discriminate — let alone a charity. Earlier this week, the EEOC announced here that Goodwill Industries will pay $100,000 to settle a long-standing retaliation lawsuit. In its lawsuit,…


Real and Spectacular! A true Seinfeld-ian claim of sexual harassment

// Before law school was even on the radar for me, I knew that coitus on office furniture was a workplace no-no. And ignorance is not a defense. But, maybe Seinfeld isn’t a thing in Indiana. You see, Connie Orton-Bell worked at a maximum security prison in Indiana. One day,…


Today, President Obama will sign an Executive Order banning LGBT discrimination

According to a Friday report from Cynthia L. Hackerott at Wolters Kluwer, President Obama will sign an Executive Order today banning discrimination against LGBT employees by federal contractors. Last month, I blogged here that the White House had announced that it intended to eventually ban LGBT discrimination by federal contractors…


Can a NJ company legally shorten the statute of limitations on employment claims?

Let’s assume that you operate a business in New Jersey. And you get to thinking: “What if we put a provision in our employment application, by which a job applicant waives the two-year statute of limitations applicable to most workplace claims and shortens the period for such claims to six…


Court: No need to accommodate employee who shows up drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonade

Hey there, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. This Americans with Disabilities Act failure-to-accomodate opinion right here. You had me at “Ortiz reported to work on April 5, 2010, carrying one empty and three full cans of ‘Mike’s Hard Lemonade’ (an alcoholic beverage), along…


5 HR Essentials from the #EEOC’s New Pregnancy Discrimination Guidance

On the heels of yesterday’s astounding blogging success, “What LeBron’s return teaches employers about accommodating the Mark of the Beast” — Pulitzer, please — I was planning on coming at you today with “Five Workplace Lessons from Dutch Soccer’s Third Place in the World Cup.” It was going to have…