
The Employer Handbook Blog


Hitler jokes from supervisors of German descent are, oh, what’s the word?

The German word is “dumm“ Or, as they say in Germ-lish: Hella-dumm. More after the jump… * * * // (Rammstein on this blog..bucket list: check!) In Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that “because of the many facets of human motivation, it would be…


EEOC’s attack on garden-variety severance agreements suffers a potentially MAJOR setback

Earlier this year, the EEOC filed a federal lawsuit against CVS in which it claimed that drugstore chain “conditioned the receipt of severance benefits for certain employees on an overly broad severance agreement set forth in five pages of small print.” Specifically, the EEOC took issue with several common provisions…


A company so concerned about an employee with cancer….it fired her?!?

That ain’t legal, yo. I’ll tell you why after the jump… * * * @Eric_B_Meyer, any thoughts to share on this one? Woman w/cancer diagnosis is fired & the boss thought he was helping — MarySchaefer (@MarySchaefer) September 17, 2014 Yeah, Mary, I’ve got some thoughts. Let’s assume that…


Some Senate Republicans seek to reinvent the National Labor Relations Board

So, yesterday, it was all about some House Republicans introducing legislation to constrain the enforcement efforts of the EEOC. Then, I read this story from Ramsey Cox at It seems some Senate Republicans are taking aim at the National Labor Relations Board. More after the jump… * * *…


What employers need to know about “subtle bias” before it becomes an in-your-face lawsuit

Over the weekend, I read this CareerBuilder poll, which found that the majority of workers don’t aspire to leadership roles. Here are the numbers: One in 5 workers (20 percent) feel his or her organization has a glass ceiling – an unseen barrier preventing women and minorities from reaching higher…


How swift response to racial slurs and graffiti defused a discrimination claim

You have an employee handbook, an anti-harassment policy, training, the whole nine. But, sometimes, notwithstanding your best efforts to create a positive, respectful workplace, you receive a complaint from an employee who claims to be the victim of harassment based on [insert protected class]. All the prophylactic measures you’ve already…


EEOC takes on fitness-for-duty medical releases; how to avoid the crosshairs.

Congratulations! Your fitness-for-duty employee medical examinations are job-related or consistent with business necessity. So, they pass muster under the Americans with Disabilities Act. But, what about the medical information you request from employees in connection with those exams? Oh yeah, there’s that too… Ask for too much info and you…