
The Employer Handbook Blog


#WWHRD: You just discovered your employee’s angry racist Ferguson tweet

Last night, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan came to me in a dream. You see, we were at a video arcade, the two of them playing the classic, Street Fighter. I had next. Mr. Gorbachev was playing as Zangief and President Reagan was Guile. Because, of course. So, just as the…


In the County of Yolo, 100 hugs and a painfully awkward kiss aren’t sexual harassment #YOLO

What else is there to blog about after reading a federal court opinion about Yolo (You Only Live Once) and sexual harassment? Geez. Last night, I could have peed plutonium while flaming monkeys sprang forth from my word hole, and I still would have blogged Yolo. More on Yolo after…


Five great resources for HR about employing veterans

In honor of Veterans Day… From the EEOC, “What You Should Know: EEOC and Employment Opportunities for Disabled Veterans“ Also from the EEOC, “Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Employers“ From Kevin Schmiegel & John Finneran (Forbes), “On Veterans Day, Recognizing The Employment Value Of…


Accommodating a disabled employee generally does not require displacing another

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that companies provide a reasonable accommodation to an employee with a disability, if doing so will allow the employee to perform the essential functions of the job. The ADA contemplates a number of different types of reasonable accommodations. One such accommodation is a transfer…


Check out the EEOC’s playbook for combatting LGBT discrimination

Even without a federal law that specifically bans discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation or gender identify, it’s no secret that one of the EEOC’s top priorities is to protect LGBT workers from discrimination. And the EEOC is being quite transparent about it, with a new guide for…