
The Employer Handbook Blog


Federal court permits discrimination against transgender employee

Under federal law (Title VII), employers cannot discriminate because of one’s sex. While Title VII does not explicitly coverage transgender employees (i.e., someone born female who presents male, and vice-versa; also known as gender identity), the EEOC’s position is that transgender employees are protected too. Indeed, they’ve begun filing federal…


Black Friday HR-Dorkbuster!!! Silent ADA accommodation requests

[Because “The one about the guy who got fired and then requested a reasonable accommodation” isn’t clickbait enough]. More on the timing of ADA accommodation requests after the jump… * * * Most job descriptions that I’ve read for human resources positions include a laundry list of skills and qualifications.…


What the EEOC plans to tell employers about wellness programs

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is obsessed with wellness programs. Or, as the EEOC likes to describe them “‘so-called’ wellness programs.” And not in a “yay, so-called wellness programs are super” kinda way. No, in recent months, the EEOC has initiated litigation against companies (example, example, example) claiming that…


Telling an employee returning from open-heart surgery, “Don’t die at the desk” is bad. Very bad.

Also, threatening to drag that employee outside and throw him in a ditch. Yeah, that may fracture a law or two. I’m thinking the Family and Medical Leave Act. Heck, even the Taliban would frown on that. I got more on this for you after the jump… Terry Baier worked…