
The Employer Handbook Blog


Know when to fold em, but, especially when you get fired for posing at work in KKK garb and makeshift crosses

I did very good well on my math SATs. But, here’s some simple math: Fired for posing at work in KKK garb and makeshift crosses + Meyer’s blog fodder = Don’t appeal your race discrimination loss Welp, the Caucasian plaintiffs in this case doubled down on stupid and lost at…


Third Circuit Employment Law 101: Independent Contractor or Employee

Back when I first started this blog, when I believed that my blogging success would translate into Aston Martins and beach homes, rather than “Can you please email me a copy of your FMLA PowerPoint?”, I had a series of “Third Circuit Employment Law 101” posts. Well, I don’t think I’ve…


Coming soon: A new, comprehensive LGBT anti-discrimination bill in Congress

On Monday, I got into last week’s EEOC ruling that sexual-orientation discrimination is sex discrimination and, therefore, violates Title VII. Yesterday, I took up the First Amendment Defense Act, which has been described by the ACLU as “Indiana on Steroids.” On Thursday, make way for the Equality Act, according to Chris Johnson at the Washington…


New bill in Congress would permit discrimination against unwed moms and promiscuous men

  Oh, and it would allow businesses to fire LGBT employees too. Sorry EEOC. It’s the First Amendment Defense Act, which has been described by the ACLU as “Indiana on Steroids.” Senator Mike Lee (UT-R) and Congressman Raúl Labrador (ID-R), who introduced identical versions last month in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives,…


Why the EEOC’s rebuke of sexual-orientation bias may barely affect your workplace.

Last Friday, I briefly mentioned the EEOC’s recent decision, in which it concluded that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal anti-discrimination law that bans employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex, also forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual). The EEOC concluded that sex…


Painting an employee’s testicles white may be retaliation, you guys.

  (I cannot wait to see what Google searches bring people to this post). Folks, I had a lot I could’ve blogged about today. There’s the new bill in Congress that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT couples, unwed moms, and promiscuous bachelors. We’ll save that for next week. I…


6 tell-tale signs, according to the DOL, that your workplace is a hot wage-and-hour mess.

In my younger days, I had a summer job in college where I clocked in at 9 and left at 5. They gave me a desk, a computer, training, a supervisor, job instruction, and a not-so-fatty paycheck. But, at least, nothing got withheld from my paycheck. They called me an independent contractor…


Will the new #overtime rules be good or bad? Here’s how to be heard.

A lot has been written over the past week few weeks since the Department of Labor announced its proposed change to the overtime rules — most of which has fewer typos and less snark than my drivel. Both sides of overtime coin. For example, there’s this article I read yesterday on supporting the…


NJ has some hella-crazy rules on using confidential documents to prove discrimination

Unless you practice law or operate a business in New Jersey, you just don’t know. You, the naive reader, may assume that California is the state with the most employee-friendly laws. And, while that may be true, New Jersey isn’t too far behind. For example, back in 2010, the NJ Supreme Court recognized (here)…