
The Employer Handbook Blog


Quietly, the DOL jacks up penalties for willful overtime and minimum wage violations.

How was your Fourth of July weekend? Did you knock your 5-year-old off of her scooter in the middle of Main Street to the shocked and judging, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs….” of spectators on both sides of the street with smartphones up capturing all of the parade action for posterity? ***checks YouTube again*** Well, neither…


Can you get fired for ripping French soccer players as poor tippers? Oui, but of course.

You may get your passport revoked if you hate on the free kick prowess of French soccer star, Dimitri Payet. Nasty! But, if you work in a tipped position and you question the generosity of French soccer players when leaving gratuities, then, hasta luego. Not even the National Labor Relations Board…


Radical new bill could open the hostile work environment litigation floodgates

Or, as Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) proclaims in this press release for the introduction of the Fair Employment Protection Act of 2016, this legislation “restores workplace protections to ensure that Americans harassed on the job by their supervisors are treated fairly and receive the justice they deserve.” It’s all in the eye of…


These 4 recent revelations about employee use of social media may surprise you (or not)

Number 1: Eric often resorts to click-bait headlines, especially when his wife’s only post on this blog receives lots of hits and reader accolades. And, Eric’s only accolades sound something like, “Oh, in real life you’re not as short as I thought you’d be.” Ok, that doesn’t count as a revelation.…


How much time is there left for “Just In Time” scheduling? Maybe, not much.

Late last week, the District of Columbia advanced a bill aimed at ending “just in time” scheduling, where employers adjust employee work schedules for hourly workers — often within 24 hours or less —  based on consumer demand. Perry Stein at The Washington Post reports here that the “Hours and Scheduling Stability…


EEOC reaches historic $200K settlement on its first sexual orientation bias lawsuit

In early March, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed its first lawsuits, in which it alleged that employer had violated Title VII by discriminating based on sexual orientation. Late last week, one of those lawsuits settled. Dani Kass from Law360 reports here that the EEOC and Pallet Cos., which does business as…


Can you fire someone for getting divorced? Once court says no.

In this unanimous 6-0 decision on Tuesday, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that employers cannot let any of the following motivate an employment decision: being single; getting engaged; marriage; a break up; divorce; or recently widowed All of this constitutes discrimination based on “marital status” under New Jersey’s Law…


When does a telecommuter qualify for FMLA under the 50/75 rule? #HellaTrenchHR #shrm16

  “This issue has been giving me FMLA nightmares!” – Said absolutely no one in HR. Quit judging and just indulge me, would you? Indeed, leave it Your BlognessTM to disrupt your HR-compliance world. ***Sips week-old ambrosia*** Now, kiss the ring. ***Sleeps off said ambrosia***  Where was I? Oh yes,…


EEOC: It’s time for your company to re-imagine anti-harassment training

Welp, it looks like there’s still plenty of time for me to get my money’s worth on creepy Wikipedia stock images of sexual harassment — Thank you By Leon israel – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,  The click-bait headline, “No Evidence That Training Prevents Harassment, Finds EEOC Task Force,” from…