
The Employer Handbook Blog


A new SHRM study should have employers reexamining their policies on parental leave

On average, organizations gave mothers 41 paid days of maternity leave, compared with 22 paid days of paternity leave for fathers. That statistic comes from 2016 Paid Leave in the Workplace, a survey recently conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management. Does this disparity demonstrate discrimination against men? Not necessarily.…


3d Cir: Employers cannot use paid meal breaks to offset unpaid overtime

A few weeks ago, I blogged here about a federal agency — one that rhymes with EEOB — reaching a 7-figure settlement with its workers of alleged Fair Labor Standards Act overtime violations involving comp time. Last week, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion, in which it…


100% healed policy = 100% violation of the ADA

  Someone didn’t read my post back in May. [cue music] Last night, I read this opinion about an employee-plaintiff whose position required her to conduct several weekly tours of the employer-defendant’s facility. In 2012, the plaintiff fell on a ladder, broke her leg, and took 12 weeks of leave under…


The union organizer running those rat protests and casket actions doesn’t get paid overtime.

Oh, yeah? Tell me more. Let me tell you about a guy. A guy in charge of inflatable rats and staged funerals. Daniel Krupinski graduated from Berkeley. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in international business, he went to work for the Laborers Eastern Region Organizing Fund (LEROF), the organizing arm of the Laborers International Union…


SHRM: Derailing the DOL Overtime Rule before 12/1 is an uphill battle

  In other words, don’t take your foot off the gas pedal preparing for the pending U.S. Department of Labor’s Overtime Rules. Either that, or clutch your pearls a little tighter. 11th-Hour Efforts. Speaking at the SHRM Lehigh Valley #HRLegalTrends – Annual October Two Day Conference yesterday, Lisa Horn, SHRM’s Director of Congressional Affairs…


That EEO-1 you just filed will look a lot different next time. Oh, good…

Yup. EEO-1’s, open enrollment. That HR life’s a beach, amirite? Pass me a frozen beverage. Oh, it’s Monday? Better make it two. Actually, no frozen beverages for me today. Not even a Frappucino. I’ve got to be on my game at the SHRM Lehigh Valley Annual Conference. I’m presenting 5,…


Resume blunders worse than Mark Sanchez’s butt fumble.

It’s the survey of “The Most Outrageous Resume Mistakes Employers Have Found.” Eat your heart out “Butt Fumble“! An applicant’s name was auto-corrected from “Flin” to “Flintstone.” His name was Freddie. An applicant stated they had great attention to detail, but “attention” was misspelled. An applicant claimed they worked…


The EEOC cares about small businesses, you guys.

In their quest to survive and eventually thrive, many small businesses do not prioritize EEO compliance. I’m not saying that small businesses purposefully set out to break the law. It’s just that, with a limited budget, HR’s squeaky wheel isn’t the first to get greased. Perhaps recognizing this reality, yesterday, the U.S. Equal…