
The Employer Handbook Blog


Federal Judge Stops U.S. Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule

In a massive stroke of irony, a federal judge  —  one appointed by President Barack Obama — entered a nationwide injunction Tuesday to stop the implementation of the U.S. Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act overtime rules that would have taken effect on December 1, 2016. In March 2014, President…


Company tried to “sprinkle a little salt” on its worksite; pays $50K to the EEOC.

Are you guys old enough to remember that old NFL Films Dial ‘M’ For Moron bit? What can I say? I’m a sucker for the classics. Well, it’s all I could think of after reading this EEOC press release, highlighting a recent race discrimination and retaliation action against a car dealership because…


Could ‘mansplaining’ create a gender-bias claim? It’s direct evidence of it says one court!

If you’re: (a) new to social media; (b) don’t watch Jeopardy; or (c) haven’t hung out on Jezebel, you may be unfamiliar with what ‘mansplaining’ is. Mansplaining defined. Mansplaining is where a man explains something to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing. In Tucker v. Johnson…


Are your company’s anti-bullying measures working? I’d like to hear from you.

About a week ago, I read an article on The Players’ Tribune from Arizona Cardinals running back David Johnson. It’s called “Let’s Talk About Bullying,” and you can read it here. Imagine this from a 6′ 1″, 225 lb. professional football player: Bullying and discrimination: six in one hand; half dozen…


Employee admits that attendance on the reg is essential, so telecommuting isn’t a reasonable accommodation

That’s pretty much what happened in this recent Eleventh Circuit opinion. We’ve gone over this before. There are certain jobs that don’t require regular in-person attendance. And then there’s the plaintiff’s full-time Purchasing Agent position for the City of Tallahassee, which is the central focus of Garrison v. City of…


My 2 cents on President-Elect Trump’s impact on HR-compliance in 2017. (Literally, worth 2 cents)

I’ll open this post with a haiku. Because, I feel like we could all use a haiku. President-Elect For HR, what will he do? Not a stinkin’ clue! …and any employment-law wonk who tells you otherwise, well, we saw how the pundits fared predicting the outcome of the presidential election.…