
The Employer Handbook Blog


3d Cir: Even where old folks are treated fairly, OLDER folks can bring age-bias claims

You’ll have to pardon the headline. I’m not nearly as articulate as the Third Circuit was in yesterday’s opinion in Karlo v. Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, using words like “cognizable” and “disproportionate adverse impact.” And, even though the Third Circuit sits in Philadelphia, you won’t find local lingo like “old…


‘I have no social skills. I have no filter between my mouth and my brain’

The lede could’ve described me in my youngers days Many years ago A few years ago Several months ago Two weeks ago Yesterday Well, maybe it continues to describe me. At least, that’s what the note in my personnel file says. However, we’re not here today to talk about me… Nope,…


Drama following a bra-less woman’s meeting with the CEO supports her retaliation claim

Nope, no clickbait here. And no irony in the lede either. Plus, I feel like I’ve seen this one before. But, before we get to that… Disney World wore these kids out! For more photos from our trip, head over to my Instagram (@eric_b_meyer). Life imitates art (sort of). For…


Our day at Epcot: Food, characters and, yes, an employment-law lesson

Remember Hank the Septopus from Disney’s Finding Dory? I found his missing tentacle. And, my son ate it! Let’s hear it for the boy! Other highlights of Day 3 (Epcot) of the Disney sojourn with the family: Breakfast with many princesses: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Belle among others. Anna was taken with…


In-depth EEOC trends for your business. Plus, BloggerKing and the Fam hit the Magic Kingdom.

Vacation Day 2: Magic Kingdom proves, well, magical. Tuesday’s Disney theme may have been germs and yuck, but we turned the corner on Wednesday. Our day started out with a house party and we kept it going big baller style with my older son Brooks at Space Mountain and a hella-fast, speed-racing test-track…


New Year’s Resolution for 2017: Stay classy at The Employer Handbook

Starting tomorrow. Today, let’s talk about the employee who claimed sexual harassment because her male co-worker constantly stared at her with an erection — which she subsequently photographed and showed to other co-workers, and all of that morphed into a retaliation claim. So, basically, this post will be like a…


According to you, these were the top five posts for 2016 at The Employer Handbook

Out of 276,376 page views in 2016 — thanks for reading and clicking refresh, dad — these five were straight fire!!! 5. The new DOL overtime rules are here. You’ve got HR questions? I have answers! 4. Foul! Nasty tweets to Steph Curry’s family cost a Cavs fan his job. 3. “A person…


Racist code names for customers are bad. And, so is firing someone for complaining about it.

These are the key allegations underpinning ***Googles “underpinning”*** yes, underpinning a complaint filed in California against luxury retailer Versace. Tell us more, Mayra Cuevas reporting here at Can you fire employees for complaining about discriminatory treatment of customers? No, dude. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees who…


U.S. businesses spent HOW MUCH preparing for those overtime rules?!?

The U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed overtime rules were supposed to impact something like 5 million employees. Those rules would have taken effect on December 1. But, about that… And, those proposed rules are now on life support. Still, even the specter of the rule change achieved its intended effect.…