
The Employer Handbook Blog


Did you know that a bird — a macaw, specifically — can create a hostile work environment?

Last year, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued a long-term care facility claiming that certain White patients/residents repeatedly directed offensive racial slurs at black nurses and nurse assistants, including “n—-r,” “coon,” “monkey,” and “Black b—–s.” One patient repeatedly told Black employees to “go back to Africa,” followed Black employees…


Should this employer have been able to predict future sexual harassment?

On August 16, 2019, an employee reported for the first time that a supervisor had made sexual comments to her that made her feel uncomfortable. The next day, management met with the alleged harasser about the allegations, and he resigned. Problem solved, right? Not exactly. The employee, who would later…


The person who promoted me later demoted me. That’s sexist, the plaintiff claimed.

Unfortunately for the plaintiff, a federal judge disagreed. The plaintiff began her employment with the defendant as corporate counsel. After a few years of positive performance reviews and raises, the plaintiff was promoted to Acting General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer on a 12-month trial basis. The trial did not…

Posted in: Sex

Law student BLAMES ISRAEL for Hamas terrorism. Law firm promptly RESCINDS student’s JOB OFFER.

According to published reports, like this one from the Daily Mail, an Am Law 100 law firm rescinded a job offer to the president of a law school’s student bar association after learning that the student stated that Hamas’ slaughter of children in Israel was ‘necessary.’ The student also reportedly…


Will your business be ready for how recent events in Israel will undoubtedly impact your workplace?

On Saturday, the Palestinian militant group Hamas carried out a surprise attack in Israel that reportedly left over 900 dead. Israel has since responded with a declaration of war. What does this Middle East conflict have to do with employment law? You have Jewish employees. Antisemitism is rising, and the…


Talent acquisition specialist fired after video surfaces of her xenophobic rant on a train

According to reports, a pharmaceutical company fired one of its senior talent acquisition specialists last week after she appeared in a viral video on a New Jersey Transit train calling a small group of German men “f—ing immigrants and telling them to “get the f— out of our country.” An…


Thinking about a mutual non-disparagement provision in a separation agreement? Read this!

I’ve drafted plenty of employee separation agreements. Many of them include non-disparagement provisions. Some of them include a mutual non-disparagement provision. But that mutuality is somewhat illusory. For example, in this recent case, the employer and its former employee agreed that the employee would not disparage the employer (among others),…


Might you need to modify work schedules for disabled employees to make their commute safer?

A little over five years ago, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued an employer for disability discrimination. It claimed that the company, which temporarily granted a request to allow an employee with night blindness to work an earlier shift to avoid an evening commute, should have agreed to extend…


EEOC sues “Bark If You’re Dirty” pet store for sexual harassment and sex discrimination. Because of course.

I enjoy blogging about employment law. But occasionally, perhaps after a long day, I wish some of these blog posts would write themselves. Last night, I got my wish. As an email subscriber to the press releases from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, I’ve noticed an unusual amount of…